Sunday 28 March 2010

Image of ENT in India: Dr Abha Bhatnagar

To improve the image of ENT at undergraduate level one has to improve the megapixels means the need to be widely exposed.This is comparable to Bollywood films vs theatre.
A good audiovisual exposure gives a mass apeal to a group of 150 students which can motivate them.actually speaking ENT itselfis a superspecialised branch of general surgery which need rigorous training like a theatre with limited audiance.Medical side of ENT problem(30-40%) is largely taken care by MBBS and we are well aware of their knoweledge,so the PG aspirants are not able to think beyond that.Whosoever falls in this stream never regreats rather enjoyes to its fullest as the time passes by.
Abha Bhatnagar
ENT Specialist Delhi

1 comment:

  1. Undergraduate teaching is overall better in most of the medical colleges; No doubt undergraduates do not take E.N.T speciality seriously. To popularized E.N.T; teaching and training of E.N.T post graduates in medical colleges needs improvement, in India which is not up to the mark, except few colleges ,there should be strict guidelines for postgraduates training, and all the postgraduate medical colleges are required to be well equipped. Postgraduate course should have fixed tenure which includes senior residency so total duration of course is of five or six year’s . Most of the E.N.T surgeons are frustrated due to lack of good training and to popularize E.N.T speciality we need to correct the basics. We can start refresher courses for E.N.T Surgeons.
