Monday 29 March 2010

Conference Report:PG Teaching and Cadaveric H & N dissection workshop, AFMC, Pune

PG Teaching and Cadaveric H & N dissection workshop was held at AFMC, Pune from 25th to 27th Mar2010. Dr Ashok Shenoy, Dr Madan Kapre, Dr Prathmesh Pai, Col WVBS Ramalingam, Gp Capt Sharan Chaudhary and Col VK Shukul were the outstation faculty and the local faculty included all from ENT, MDTC, Reconstructive and Pathology fraternity at Pune. We thank all the faculty wholeheartedly for all the teaching they imparted at the wksp, leaving all their busy schedules and bearing with any inadequacies during the pgmes.

36 delegates from Maharashtra and Karnataka attended the course without any dropouts. The response was overwhelming and encouraging to the organisers. Pharma participation is erratic and whimsical and cannot be relied upon and is also not ideal. AOI and FHNO should support such activities generously. MCI, ICMR and UGC does support in a small way but it is inadequate. If support is forth coming, may be many more such workshops can be held at various places and more frequently.

With best regards to all,
PS Sukthankar
Dear Dr. Sukhtankar,

The course was well conducted. I thank you for the opportunity to be faculty in this important venture to inculcate in the post graduate trainees understanding of the cancer biology and management of common head neck tumours. I am sure such programmes will go a long way in future development of Head & Neck surgeons.

warm regards

Prathamesh S. Pai,
Associate Professor & Surgeon
Dept of Head & Neck Surgical Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital
Mumbai 400 012

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