Thursday 18 March 2010

1st French - Indian ENT Meeting / Program

Dear Doctor,
Thank you very much for your response. The French ENT Society would be delighted to welcome you to participate at the 1st French-Indian ENT Meeting, to be held on Tuesday, March 22, at the LALIT Hotel in New Delhi starting at 8 am, and on Friday, March 26, at the ITC RAJPUTAN SHERATON Hotel in Jaipur, starting at 8 am.

Thank you!

Professor Frederic Chabolle
General Secretary French National ENT Society

Programme (Click Image to View)

Regarding the registration fee for an Indian Physician :The price for the 2 Must session (one in Dehli, One in Jaipur ) is 50 USD = 2318 INR. The price included congress registration, badges, scientific congress, Break, documents diffused, and certificate of attendance.
Not meal, not transport, not accommodation….
Conference fee can be paid on spot in Indian Rupees on Spot

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