Saturday 13 February 2010

Surgeon/Physician Burnout: Readers Comments Welcome

Burnout self Test


Dr Santosh Kacker (Delhi): Define Burnout

Blog Author:burnout is defined as the index of the dislocation between what people are doing vs what they are expected to do.

Dr Sunil Kathuria(Delhi):
Surgeon's burnout is a major problem. Human body can take limited amount of cumulative stress. More mental stress you have more long term problems you face.
Body's ability to heal itself is more in the younger age but as a person grows old risk of burnout / mental and physical problems increases.
Best way to avoid this is
1.Do limited work after a certain age.
2.Have a team. Distribute your work and stress among your team members.
3.Learn to say no.
4.Have a break as often as required and possible.
Basic mantra is you can not do every thing in this lifespan.So make realistic targets and have friends from non medical group and develop a hobby.


Why USA Only, in India a medical practitioner is under stress from the day he/she decide to become Doctor,:
[1] Preparation to clear PMT/CPMT where 50% seats are already reserved for academically substandard material, [2] Stress of passing MBBS with limited
faculty, [3] Forced rural posting after internship when he is not prepared mentally& professionally. [4] selection for post graduation for limited seats(again reservation??) [5] job insecurity ? [6] As a surgeon STRESS IS severe already described by you ,in addition CONSUMER FORUM/LITIGATIONS AGAIANST SURGEONS Due to ill Motivation From All concerned.
[7]In one Survey it was Obseved That Doctor!s Life Span is 5 years less then general population in Metro Cities. .[8] NO WONDER YOUNGESTERS ARE OPTING FOR MORE LUCRATIVE JOBS WITH MUCH LESS EFFORTS.

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