Wednesday 17 February 2010

History of World Voice Day ,April 16 th

The World Voice Day was established on April 16th
with the main goals of increasing public awareness of the
importance of the voice and alertness to voice problems.
The event started in Brazil in 1999 as the Brazilian National
Voice Day.
It was the result of a mixed initiative of
physicians, speech-language pathologists and singing
teachers that belonged to the former association ‘Sociedade
Brasileira de Laringologia e Voz – SBLV’ (Brazilian
Society of Laryngology and Voice).
This initiative was followed by other countries, such as Argentina and Portugal,
and the Brazilian National Voice Day became the
International Voice Day.
In the United States, the American
Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
officially recognized this celebration in 2002 and in
that year the event obtained the name ‘World Voice Day’
The voice is a topic of interest
to otolaryngologists/phoniatricians, logopedists/speech
pathologists, singing teachers, vocologists, acousticians,
biomechanical engineers and many other specialists.

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