Friday 19 February 2010

Computed tomography (CT) in chronic suppurative otitis media : Correlation between CT and surgical findings

(This article on CT in CSOM was published in IJLO way back in 1988)
S. P. Dubey1 , Y. N. Mehra1 , S. B. S. Mann1 and S. Suri2

(1) Deptt. of Otolaryngology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
(2) Deptt. of Radiodiagnosis, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
Abstract Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is one of the commonest causes of deafness. Moreover, CSOM may lead to fatal intracranial complications, when medical and/or surgical management is delayed. 31 patients of CSOM were preoperatively evaluated with high-resolution computed tomography (CT). Subsequent operative findings were correlated with CT scan findings. Cholesteatoma was seen in 15 cases, granulation tissue in 5 cases, combined cholesteatoma and granulation tissue in 4 cases and other findings in 7 cases. Excellent correlation between CT and surgical findings obtained with respect to extent of soft tissue masses, pneumatisation, bony boundaries of the tympanum, and ossicular complex. Occasionally CT gave erroneous impression of dehiscence of dural and sinus plate. CT scan play a major role in preoperative evaluation and post operative follow-up of the patients with CSOM.
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