Monday 15 February 2010

FESSCON 2010,Guwahati,-Conference Report by Dr George Varghese

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FESSCON 2010 @ Guwahati, 29th to 31st January 2010 (, was a grand success under Dr.Miklu Senapati.
The course included live demonstrations of FESS ( including revision FESS) by Prof.Gerald Wolf( Graz,Austria),Live demonstration of Endoscopic Trans- Sphenoid Hypophysectomy of Pituitary Adenoma by Dr.George Varghese( Kochi,India),& Endoscopic DCR by Dr.Janakiram( Trichi,India).
There were lectures by Prof.Gerald Wolf, Dr.Amusa( Nigeria), Dr.Ashwamedsing Dinassing( Mauritius), Dr.George Varghese,Dr.PP Devan( Mangalore),Dr.Hetal Patel( Mumbai),& Dr.Janakiram,& by the local faculty.'

Dr.George Varghese

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