Wednesday 10 February 2010

OTC Nasal Drops and Addiction: Dr Samit Bali (Nagpur)

A leading MNC has just started intensive media campaign for there OTC(over the counter)nasal spray/drops on TV channels. The general public in India, which is very easy to be influenced by these advertisement campaign, are purchasing these products without the consent of a registered doctor.
In a recent study conducted by a online website ( on these intensive advertisement, 93% were strongly against the media campaign, while 4% supported it , while the rest were neutral.
In western developed countries like USA about 10 million people annually have fallen prey to the addiction of these nasal sprays containing active metabolite oxymetazoline and xylometazoline. Presently no similar data is available in India.
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Rhinitis medicamentosa: electron microscopic changes of human nasal mucosa.

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