Saturday 20 February 2010

“3rd International Spring Course on Functional an Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose”, 10-12,May 2010,Final Programme

Final Scientific Prgramme

Dear Friends and Colleagues
Here we are with our biannual appointment, the “3rd International Spring Course on Functional an Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose”, which will be held in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) ITALY, between 10th and 12th of May, 2010.

The official languages will be Italian and English, with possibility of simultaneous translation.

We truly hope you will join us in Castel San Pietro Terme during the sunny spring of 2010.

Ignazio Tasca


Ignazio Tasca M.D.
Director E.N.T Department
Castel San Pietro Hospital
Bologna- Italy-
Tel. +390516955111 Hospital
+39051941930 Home
+393356663460 Mobile
E.mail home hospital

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