Saturday 1 January 2011

Welcome to AOICON 2011

This is to welcome you to the 63rd Annual Conf of AOI at Chennai from the 6th to 9th of January. Coming to the annual AOI conference is like a pilgrimage for all of us every year where we renew our bondage to the fraternity, pay respects to our teachers, meet friends and if time permits also update ourselves on the recent developments taking place in our discipline.

All this will be there in full measure in the upcoming 63rd AOICON also but this mother of all AOI conferences will offer a lot more to you. Expect the best but do not be surprised to experience something even better! All your senses will be stimulated to the hilt and you will savor an experience to preserve a lifetime. A very rich academic fare, a tantalising social program spiced with the best of South Indian hospitality will leave you charmed beyond expectation. The organizing team under the guidance of Dr Mohan and Dr Jacinth has left no stone unturned to ensure that you have a gala time at Chennai. If you can cook up a complaint or find a fault there will be a very special prize for you.

One small request; Please wake up in time to be there for the breakfast sessions and please be inside the halls while the scientific sessions are on. There will be plenty of attractions in the stands and outside the halls but all of us need to do justice to the efforts that go behind the scientific presentations by our colleagues and it is only your esteemed presence and your active participation that will provide the impetus to these scientific brains to carry the science of otolaryngology forward and evolve newer strategies for improving ENT health care.

Wishing all of you a very happy new year and eagerly waiting to see all of you at the 63rd ANNUAL CONFERENCE of AOI at CHENNAI

Dr Anirban Biswas

(President of AOI)

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