Saturday 22 January 2011

2nd International Airway Course & Hands on Cadaver, Tracheoplasty, Thyroplasty & Laser Training on 22nd , 23rd & 24th April 2011,Pune

The course is being organized by Department of Laryngology in Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital at Pune, Maharashtra India.

Dr. Vasant Oswal, FRCS from UK is the course advisor. Prof. Luis Fernando Tintinago, MD from Colombia and Prof. Surendra Narne from Italy would be the International guest faculty along with some prominent Indian faculty.

The course includes Lectures, Live Surgical Demonstration by National & International Faculty, Case Discussion, Multipoint Video Conferencing, as well as hands-on cadaveric dissection, hands on laser course and hands on training on Simulators. 40 candidates would be enrolling for the Hands on Cadaveric Dissection.


With regards,

Dr. Sachin Gandhi
Course Director - Airway course 2011
Consultant ENT Surgeon & Director, Department of Laryngology
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre
Pune 411004 ,Maharashtra, India
Telephone: +91 (0)20 66023511 9595123008
Website :-

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