Saturday 22 January 2011

Endoscope-assisted intra-oral resection of the external thyroglossal duct cyst

Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 71-74 (January 2011),American Journal of OHNMS
Yoon Kyoung So, MD, Jong In Jeong, MD, Hye-Youn Youm, MD, Han-Sin Jeong, MD, PhD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea

Endoscope-assisted intra-oral resection of the external thyroglossal duct cyst
Surgical removal of a thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) and its tract is usually accomplished through an external neck incision, including the removal of the middle part of hyoid bone and a block of tissues extending to the foramen cecum. However, this procedure inevitably results in neck scarring. We implemented a modified approach to TGDC removal in a 28-year-old woman through the floor of the mouth using an endoscope system.

Case report
Here, we describe the detailed procedure of the endoscope-assisted intra-oral resection for TGDC. The total operative time was 130 minutes. The patient complained of swelling and pain in the floor of the mouth for 2 days, but did not require any intervention. Follow-up imaging studies confirmed no recurrence (18 months) without any sequelae, and the patient was satisfied with her surgical outcome.

The intra-oral approach through the floor of the mouth is a technically feasible alternative surgical option that allows for complete removal of a TGDC without the neck scar.

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