Thursday 11 April 2013

Workshop on Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery from 26th - 28th April, 2013 in Jaipur (INDIA )


800 delegates have been registered
We have an additional star faculty from Australia. Dr. Richard Harvey - a skull base maverick . His surgical skills are legendary.

Dear Colleagues,

It is our privilege to invite you for a workshop on Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery from 26th to 28th April 2013. As you all are well aware, endoscopic nasal surgery has grown in leaps and bounds from just merely sinus surgery to surgery of the skull base. The nasal corridor helps to access well selected lesions of anterior , middle and posterior cranial base and also C1 & C2 vertebra. The access includes laterally, the pterygopalatine and infratemporal fossae. Orbital lesions medial and inferior to the optic nerve are also accessed through the nasal corridor. The intricate anatomy has been meticulously described by Prof Amin Kassam and Prof Ricardo Carrau amongst a few others throughout the world through their articles and visits all over the globe.

We are indeed fortunate that world renowned – PROF AMIN KASSAM has accepted our invitation to visit the beautiful and historic city of Jaipur. We will also have with us our own – PROF DHARAMBIR SETHI & PROF M. V. KIRTANE. Our objective remains to show you all the entire spectrum of anatomy and approaches through lectures, live surgery sessions as also demonstration of cadaveric dissection. We can assure you a wonderful academic fest.

We do hope to see you all at the Workshop

Dr. A. S. Bapna
Organising Chairman
Dr. Satish Jain
Organising Secretory

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