Sunday 17 July 2011

Phlebectasia of the External Jugular Vein

Phlebectasia of the External Jugular Vein

Jugular phlebectasia, an entity increasingly recognised in recent years, is an isolated saccular or fusiform dilation of a vein without tortuosity. There is a controversy about etiology. This paper reports a case of localised distension of the external jugular vein in a 24-year-old male patient complaining of intermittent right neck swelling while lying down or straining (Valsalva maneuvre). The diagnosis was confirmed by color Doppler ultrasonography, surgical excision was carried out without any complication.

The possible differential diagnosis for the swelling could include a branchial cyst, cystic hygroma, laryngocoele, cavernous haemangioma and superior mediastinal cysts

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