Tuesday 1 March 2011

The 59th hands on cadaver FESS workshop conducted by Dr.Raos

The 59th hands on cadaver FESS workshop conducted by Dr.Raos ENT super specialty hospital headed by Dr.G.V.S Rau under the auspices of Hyderabad ENT Research foundation was a grand success. it had more than 20 delegates in attending from all over the world and India.. there were 7 course-co ordinators present all along during hands on cadaver FESS of each participant guiding them through out the procedure.many of the delegates said that it was an educational feast on FESS and day after day, they learnt overwhelming amounts of knowledge regarding FESS. a Delegate from Nagpur says "it is one of the best workshops i have attended in my life", one from Syria says "this workshop has been of great help to me in understanding FESS, i will recommend this workshop to all my colleagues in Egypt"

It started with wide variety of lectures on anatomy surgical, endoscopic and radiological followed by demonstration of the intricate details of FESS on a fresh cadaver starting from the very basic details about instrumentation to the complications and how to tackle and prevent them from occurrence.
it was followed by live surgeries starting from the most basic polypectomies to the fungal sinusitis invading the orbit and intracranial cavity. the demonstration was done with basic instrumentation on one side and powered instruments on other side to show the difference. the three guest faculties showed different techniques of doing FESS. third day had lectures on advanced FESS.

We take this oppurunity specially thank Dr.Karla of www.entindia.net, Dr. Soni, Dr.krishna Kishore, Dr.Venkat Ram Reddy, Dr.Sai Raj, Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr.Krishna Reddy, Dr.Anoop for their active participation in making this workshop gain such heights.

The videos of the demonstration including some of the demonstration will be uploaded on Youtube channel www.youtube.com/raosentcare, www.raosentcare.com. we look forward to the next workshop on 60th Hands on Temporal Bone Dissection in the ending of April.
For more details please write to us at drchaitanya@raosentcare.com.

1 comment:

  1. Yes workshops helps people a lot and get awareness on health
