Thursday 22 October 2009

“Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009”

Click here to view Final Programme

“Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009”
Head & Neck Cancer- Conference & Live workshop
31st October & 1-2nd November 2009
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi

Dear Sir / Madam,

The department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & neck surgery, AIIMS in association with Departments of Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology is pleased to invite you for the “Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009” on 31st October and 1-2nd of November 2009

International Faculty

Dr Nimesh Patel

Dr Chris Randall

Consultant Otolaryngologists

Southampton General Hospital,UK

This comprehensive and multidisciplinary meeting shall endeavour to define case selection between the various treatment options, and shall include live surgical demonstrations and instructional courses by the national and international faculty in transoral CO2 laser surgery, Conservational Laryngeal surgery /partial laryngectomy, Speech restoration (TEP), Neck dissection and newer modalities of treatment in Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology. We hope to offer you the best of instructional courses, Live surgeries/demonstration with high scientific standards during the meeting.

Kindly visit the following site for further details.

With Regards

Dr C Venkat Karthikeyan

Organizing secretary

Department of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery


New Delhi 110029

Phone 9868397463/9868397461/9868397471

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