Monday 1 July 2013

AOIKCON 2013, Manipal, Aug 23-26, 2013

AOIKCON 2013, Manipal, Aug 23-26, 2013. Aug 22 Preconference workshop with cadaveric dissection on FESS
City: Manipal
Venue: Hotel Fortune Inn Valley View and Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College Manipal.
Dates: 23-26 Aug 2013, Preconf FESS workshop 22 Aug 2013
Organizing Team: Association of Otolaryngologists of India Karnataka Chapter and Manipal Branch and Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Kasturba Medical College Manipal
E mail:
Contact Number: +919845383714
Faculty: Dr Gerald Wolf from Graz, Austria
Fees detail: Mentioned in Brochure. Early Bird ends April 30, 2013
Address for correspondence: Dr Balakrishnan R
                                              Organising Secretary
                                              Professor and HOD
                                              Dept of ENT- Head and neck surgery
                                              Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - 576104
Suggested Accomodation: Mentioned in Brochure

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