Wednesday 22 August 2012

25“ Workshop on FESS Dt: 8th - 10th February 2013;Hyderabad


Dear Friends,

Greetings from the organizing committee and staff of MAA ENT 

Our ethnicity are ongoing with the b|essing of a|mighty, our subsequent |nternationa| Workshop is

We are  by your awe-inspiring response. Feedback is the mora| fiber of our  vigor to
persist with such |nternatìona| Workshops,

The Masters & |nnovators of this workshop Prof. D5, Sethi & Prof, P J.  have reacli|y
accepted our invitation inspite of their busy schec|u|e. Neec||ess to say that the enthusiasm of Iarge
number of de|egates is the driving force behincl this event.

As prior we reassure an e|evated eminence workshop covering both the Basic and Advanced
techniques of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Each and every one of us wou|d be having a prospect to
comprehend the new techniques of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery from the Masters and |nnovators.

We hope to see you  with eminent and  to share and discover, Wishing you  to be
cheerFu| and robust.

Organizing Committee

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