Saturday 2 June 2012

4th National Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery workshop,6th till 9th January 2013 at Kathmandu

2nd Announcement

 Mark your Calendar for the Feast in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course with the Pioneer in the ESS, Prof H. Stammberger, Dr Richard Douglas
 Dear all,
Thank you for your generous interest in 4th FESS workshop. As you know we have very limited seat for hands on in the course , so we have decided to register according to the first come first basis. Please confirm your type of participation by 10th August 2012. I have attached a file showing the tentative schedule along with registration charge , however we will let you know the mode of payment in near future when you confirm your registration by writing to us.
 Thank you,
\Dr Kunjan Acharya
 Course Secretary

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