Friday 4 May 2012


Dear ,,,, Greeting from Dr Rafiq from tawau,malaysia, and seeking your blog members opinion,,,pl put on your blog with these pictures,,, for one of my pt has Tracheal injury,,history is like this, M/15 y ,got MVA ,,and blunt impact over chest as well as anterior neck at and below the level of Larynx seen bruise externally,,,upon examination pt gor extensive surgical emphysema , which regressing now,,still got,Rt pneumothorax surgical inserted Chest tube which still showing bubbles,,,, CT scan showing as seen rupture anterior as well as rt side lat wall of trchea ruptured and air is seen besides,,,pt is intubated,,,all vital sign stable and consious tootolerating tube,,,, bronchoscopic examination done in ICU shown small anterior transverse wound seen and above that whole anterior as well as as lateral wall is narrowed and slough seen ....All the pictures i have attached here,,,,please go through and give your kind opinion as,,,,, 1. to do tracheostomy or not? 2. need intervention means exploration and kiv reconstruction,,when,,how long to wait for that? 3.any thing you need to inquire more pl ,,,,,,write me, pt is just now in ICU ,,intubated ... thanks regards rafiq SEND YOUR OPINION TO and kalra1960@gmail,com 2

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