Wednesday 22 February 2012

“All India Neurotology Update - 2012” , 3 - 4 March 2012,Chennai

Course Director : Prof. Mohan Kameswaran

Academic Director : Prof. R.S. Anand Kumar

Organizing Secretary : Dr. Sathiya Murali (+91-98401 40648)

Registration fees:

Registration is limited and will be done on first come, first served basis.
For Consultants - ` 1,500/-
For Postgraduates - ` 750/-

No Spot Registration

Guest Faculty

Prof. Milind V. Kirtane
Consultant ENT Surgeon,
P. D. Hinduja National Hospital &
Medical Research Centre, Mumbai,
Breach Candy & Saifee Hospitals,
Mumbai, Hon. Surgeon at King
Edward Memorial Hospital &
Professor Emeritus at Seth G.S.
Medical College, Mumbai

Dr. Anirban Biswas
Consultant ENT Surgeon
& Neurotologist,
Belle Vue Clinic, Kolkata

Dr. M.P. Manoj
Managing Director and
Consultant ENT Surgeon,
Head of the Cochlear Implant Unit
and Head & Neck Surgery,
MESIARC, Calicut

Prof. M.C. Vasudevan
Consultant Neurosurgeon,
VHS, Taramani, Chennai,
Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai

Day - 1
08.00am - 08.30am : Registration
08.30am - 08.45am : Welcome & Introduction - Prof. Mohan Kameswaran
08.45am - 01.00pm : Live Surgery
01.00pm - 02.00pm : Lunch
02.00pm - 02.20pm : Vestibular Diagnosis-what is new? - Dr. Anirban Biswas
02.20pm - 02.40pm : Cerebellum & Balance - Dr. M.P. Manoj
02.40pm - 03.00pm : Current trends in the management of Acoustic Neuroma - Prof. M.C. Vasudevan
03.00pm - 03.20pm : Controversies in management of BPPV - Prof. Milind V Kirtane
03.20pm - 03.40pm : Meniere's & Meniere's like syndromes - Prof. Mohan Kameswaran
03.40pm - 04.00pm : Imaging for Balance disorders - Dr. M.P. Manoj
04.00pm - 04.20pm : Video-oculographic Diagnosis - Dr. Sathiya Murali
04.20pm - 04.40pm : Dizziness in children – Functional or Organic? - Dr. Anirban Biswas

Day - 2
09.00am - 12 noon : Live Surgery
12 noon - 12.20pm : Balance Problems in elderly - Prof. Milind V Kirtane
12.20pm - 12.40pm : Options in intractable Vertigo - Dr. M.P. Manoj
12.40pm - 01.00pm : Central Vestibular disorders - Prof. Mohan Kameswaran
01.00pm - 02.00pm : Lunch
02.00pm - 03.00pm : Crossfire (Drugs / VRT) Moderator: Prof. Mohan Kameswaran
03.00pm : Concluding Remarks.

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