Sunday 21 August 2011

International Course on "Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) on February 9-11, 2012 at University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi



Visit the website frequently for any vacant posts against cancellation.
Dr P P Singh (Course Director)

Visit the website frequently for any vacant posts against cancellation.
Dr P P Singh (Course Director)

Tinnitus is a common disorder and quite disabling for some patients. The neurophysiological model of tinnitus was proposed by Dr Pawel Jastreboff in mid 80's and first clinical trials were conducted in London by Dr Jonathan Hazell and audiologist Jacqui Sheldrake in late 80's. Subsequent refinements led to an established protocol called "Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT))". The successful outcomes of TRT for the Management of Tinnitus & Hyperacusis in various centres across the globe have validated the model and the technique.

The present course is based on the contents of a similar course held in USA and will be conducted by the same faculty ( The course will be limited to a small group for intensive one-to-one interaction. Preference will be given to those working as a team of otologist & audiologist with an established infrastructure. Those interested to participate may send their intent latest by August 31, 2012 to Dr Arun Goyal at Registration details will be sent on receipt of such information

Course Faculty: Dr Pawel Jastreboff, Professor & Director, Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Course Faculty: Dr Margaret Jastreboff, Professor, Pennsylvania School of Optometry and Audiology, Philadelphia, USA

President, Jastreboff Hearing Reseach Foundation, USA

Course Director: Dr P P Singh, Director-Professor & Head, Deptt of ENT, UCMS & GTBH, Delhi

Course Co-director: Dr Arun Goyal, Professor, Deptt of ENT, UCMS & GTBH, Delhi

Details of course agenda will be made available later on website

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