Wednesday 29 June 2011

Stapedectomy - A Diificult Situation


  1. Rakesh Srivastava30 June 2011 at 07:50

    I had a same case. the recording is on you tube stapes 7th nerve prolapse. rakeshsrivastavaent. I had not abandon the surgery. The postop results hearing was good. Pat had 7th nerve paresis. recovered by 7th p.o day.

  2. stapes appears to be mobile!
    i guess it must be the facial nerve interfering with conduction.
    any takers?

  3. some Complications of stapedectomy:

    * Facial palsy
    * Vertigo in the immediate post op period
    * Vomiting
    * Perilymph gush
    * Floating foot plate
    * Tympanic membrane tear
    * Dead labyrinth
    * Perilymph fistula
    * Labyrinthitis
    * Granuloma (Reparative)
    * Tinnitus
