Saturday 9 April 2011

Juvenile Angiofibroma Excision by Endoscopic & Mid facial degloving : Dr Janakiram(Trichy)


  1. very nice presentation. do you also consider clipping the SPA close to the tumor rather than eca ligation?
    thanx for the upload.

  2. dear dr janki ram
    we have seen your glimpses fo your methodical work her at our place! looking forward to meet you .
    thanx dr rakesh gupta>

  3. Dr Janakiram, as always in his innovative, multidimentional, explorative, self explanatory, concise and dynamic way of reflecting knowledge he possess.
    Dr Feroz Khan Abudhabi-UAE

  4. Hello! I have a 15 year old boy with a huge (7,5 x 6 x 8 cm)juvenile angiofibroma, also grown into his brain. Rikshospitalet in Norway has decided not to do the surgery, and sent a request to London. We have been waiting for a reply for 14 days. I have read that in the Asian countries these tumors occors more often than in Europe. He also has a astrocytoma, which I don't know much about currentlyr.Can anyone of you get me in contact with some professional hospital(web page or e-mail address). I have CT angio and MR from 11th of October. Regards Lisbeth

  5. Dear Lisbeth,
    You may contact me at directly.
    We may be able to guide you.
    Dr Rajesh Kalra
