Monday 13 December 2010

57th workshop at HERF, Hyderabad :Conference Report

The Cadaver Fest, 57th workshop at HERF, Hyderabad was conducted from 2nd – 5th of December 2010. Dr.G.V.S Rau, director and senior consultant, HERF conducted the workshop. Dr.Krishna Kishore, professor (ENT) Andhra medical college, Vishakapatnam was invited as guest faculty, It included hands on cadaver FESS, hands on cadaver temporal bone dissection and live surgeries. It had 32 delegates in attending from all over the world. Dr.Hadi sharouny, Dr. Amir Vashegani residents, Dept. of ENT, university of Malaysia, Dr. Ghafoor, private practitioner from Afghanistan and Dr.Saji Paul, private practitioner from Saudi Arabia participated in the programme as delegates

During this four-day cadaver Fest, the first two days were allotted for cadaver FESS. Following demonstration of anatomy of lateral wall of nose and FESS on a cadaver, Delegates did hands on FESS on fresh cadavers in two batches. The next two days were allotted for temporal bone dissection during which following cadaver temporal bone dissection demonstration and live surgeries, a whole day was allotted for hands on cadaver temporal bone dissection.

For further details on upcoming workshops please visit, also visit for the workshop demonstration videos. Please contact us at if you interested to take part in future workshops.

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