Saturday 13 November 2010

A newly developed interventional sialendoscope for a completely nonsurgical sialolithectomy using intracorporeal electrohydraulic lithotripsy.

Wehave developed a fine sialendoscope,
which allows us to insert the scope without any
incision into the papilla or duct wall of the salivary
gland in order to perform both diagnostic and therapeutic
sialendoscopy. Moreover, this sialendoscope
was designed to have a working channel with a
0.8-mm inner diameter so that a 1.9-Fr probe of an
electrohydraulic lithotripter can be inserted into the
working channel. Using this newly developed sialendoscopy
system for intracorporeal electrohydraulic
lithotripsy, we were able to successfully remove a
sialolith of the submandibular gland safely and without
any surgical intervention.
The aims of this article are to introduce this newly
developed interventional sialendoscopy system and
describe a successful case of a completely nonsurgical
sialolithectomy of the submandibular gland using this
sialendoscopy system.

Nakayama E, Okamura K, Mitsuyasu T, Kawazu T, Nakamura N, Nakamura S, Yoshiura K.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Jul;65(7):1402-5

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