Sunday 3 October 2010

CIGICON 2010,PGI Chandigarh,November 18-20,2010

Conference Website:

Dear Sir

We are extremely pleased to invite you to the city beautiful for the 8th annual CIGICON to be held at Bhargava Auditorium, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, from 18 – 20th Nov.2010. The pre conference workshop on 18th Nov., 2010 includes hands on temporal bone dissection for surgeons & workshops for audiologists and habilitationists.

The organizing committee with the executive committee of CIGI is in the process of having a comprehensive scientific programme which is expected to be educational, information & interesting.

Chandigarh, the city beautiful at the foot hills of the mighty Himalayas will provide a rare mix of hospitality and scientific extravaganza. The official website of CIGICON 2010 i.e. (www.cigicon is active and is being updated actively. You may please visit the website for details regarding registration and scientific sessions.

We look forward to see you in Chandigarh.

With regards

Dr.Naresh K Panda

Organizing Chairman


:E mail :

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