Saturday 18 September 2010

Laryngology 2011,June 20-22,2011,London

Laryngology 2011, Cutting edge laryngology for the twenty first century.

A three day conference and instructional sessions to be held in London between 20 - 22/June/2011 aiming to deliver an up to the minute update on all the current trends in Laryngology.

The meeting is aimed at otolaryngologists, thoracic surgeons, interventional respiratory physicians and speech and language therapists. The meeting is suitable for consultants, specialists and senior trainees.

Topics covered including:
Laryngeal Transplant
Tissue engineered trachea
Airway management
Laryngeal pacing
Laryngeal re-innervation

The meeting also offers one day of live surgery and practical instructional sessions including:
Laryngeal framework surgery
Airway surgery
Laryngeal injection
Office-based procedures
Trans-nasal oesophagoscopy

Course directors:

Professor Martin Birchall
Mr Guri Sandhu

International faculty:
Professor Peter Belafsky, US
Professor Paolo Macchiarini, Italy
Professor Marc Remacle, Belgium

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