Saturday 12 June 2010

Doctors quit dirty NHS for India

THE influx of thousands of Indian doctors into the National Health Service is going into reverse. Hospitals in India are now said to be cleaner and better equipped than many in Britain and doctors are quitting the NHS to work there instead.

Ameet Kishore had worked as an ear, nose and throat consultant in Glasgow Royal Infirmary for 12 years when he moved to the Apollo hospital in Delhi two years ago. Although reluctant to criticise the NHS, which had taught him so much, he said that the new Indian hospitals were cleaner and better resourced.

He contrasted the number of cochlear implant operations that he could perform: at Crosshouse hospital, Kilmarnock, the main ENT centre for the west of Scotland, he was limited to 40 a year; in Delhi he had done 70 in the past six months.

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