Friday 16 April 2010

AOI Archives: Branch News 1994

In the First meeting of the Cochin Chapter of AOI for 94-95 the following office bearers were elected,
President Dr. Benjamin 'Souza, Secretary Dr. N. J. Natarajan, Vice President Dr. Idicula Mathews and Treasurer Dr. M. A.
The Meeting was presided by the outgoing president Dr. Isaiah.

1. 2nd Mid Term lecture was delivered by Prof. V. N. Chaturvedi from MGI MS Sevagram. He spoke on "elucidating profile
of E. N. T. cancers in rural Vidarbha" on 4 June 1994.
2. 44th Annual Conference endowment scholarship money of Rs. 5000/- was awarded to Dr. Ajay Deshpande for his work
on "CAT guided aspiration of brain abscess of otological origin" on 4 June 1994.

The AOI Madras branch has unanimously elected Dr. N. Radhakrishnan and Dr. N. Rajaran as President and Secretary
respectively for the year 1994-95. Following this, the 'INAUGURAL MEET' was held on 24th July 94 at Sun Plaza, Madras.
The highlight of the meet was a symposium on 'Headache'— a multifaculty discussion featuring leading consultants in the
field of Neurology, Gen. Medicine, Ophthalmology, ENT, dentistry and Psychiatry.
A CME programme was also held at Children's Hospital, Egmore on Paediatric Otolaryngology on 10th August 94.

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