Friday 15 January 2010

WHO:The allegation by some, that the H1N1 pandemic is a fake is both scientifically wrong and historically inaccurate

Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza, briefs the media on pandemic influenza activity and clarifies some misconceptions in the news.
summery :-
1.In the first place I want to emphasize the world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as fake, is both wrong and is irresponsible.

2.The second point is that WHO has been balanced and truthful in the information it provided to the public. It has not underplayed and it has not overplayed the risks of the pandemic.

3.The third point is that WHO has reached out to all parties who could help to reduce harm from the pandemic but we did take very great care to make sure that the advice received was not unduly influenced by commercial or non-public health interests

Click here to read details

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