Tuesday 10 November 2009

Novel totally implantable piezoelectric device

"A novel totally implantable piezoelectric device has been developed by Envoy Medical Corporation, USA. This device, Esteem-Hearing Implant is 100% implantable, so it is 100% invisible. Esteem has a piezoelectric transducer (Sensor) placed on the Incus bone which converts the mechanical energy into electric energy, which is the known property of a piezoelectric material. This electrical signal is then amplified, processed and converted back to vibratory signal by means of another piezoelectric transducer (Driver) placed on stapes. The piezoelectric transducer has been shown to provide output levels close to 110 dB SPL. Like a hearing aid, an Audiologist programs the implant using a device called commander and once programmed, patients have the option of adjusting volume, modify background noise filters and turn it off/on remotely".
Please Visit www.AudiologyIndia.com for more information and clinical report.


  1. sir,
    Ur web site is very useful for ENT in india.we can get lot of information through this. thanx a lot for such a gud site.
    This totally implantable device(TIHA) already done for 3 patients in India by Dr Mohan kameswaran, chennai

  2. hello sir,
    my daughter has 4 years old.
    she has sever hearing loss in both the ears,
    now we r using hearing aid.now she is speaking with hearing aid.
    actually i am waiting for totally implantable device.is it possible do that totally implantable device for my daughter?
    pls help me and give me reply?
