Saturday 5 September 2009

To Sir With Love -Teachers Day September 5

Thank You Sir
For making me
What I am Today!
You made a huge difference in My Life

Salute your Teacher through this Blog

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Rajiv Tandon ( Muscat )
One person whom I will always be indebted to is Dr Sagar ... my Guide and teacher .... Sir thank you for teaching us and making us confident in believing in ourselves ..

Darius Jijina ( ENT Consultant MAX Delhi)

"I have had the good fortune of having many good teachers but the one who has had the greatest impact on me is my post graduate guide at AFMC,( then ) Col. J.M. Bakshi. He taught me the one thing that has stood me in good stead all these be, above all, a good human being. I am forever indebted to him."

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