Saturday 18 July 2009

Comparative evaluation of conventional versus endoscopic septoplasty for limited septal deviation and spur(Abstract)

1: J Laryngol Otol. 2009 Jul;123(7):737-41. Epub 2008 Dec 2.
Bothra R, Mathur NN.

Department of ENT, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt SK & KS Children's Hospital, New Delhi, India.

OBJECTIVE: To compare the procedure, results and complications of conventional septoplasty with those of endoscopic septoplasty, in cases of limited septal deviation and septal spurs. DESIGN: Prospective study; interventional type; randomised block design; comparative clinical trial. METHODS: We included in the study 80 patients presenting with limited septal deviation, septal spur with nasal obstruction, or deviated septum with septal correction was required in order to access the ostio-meatal complex (OMC) for functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Of these 12 were children with septal deviation producing significant nasal obstruction. All patients were divided into two groups- with one undergoing conventional and the other endoscopic septoplasty. Post-operative assessment was carried out one month, three months and one to two years after the procedure. RESULT: Post-operative complications such as haemorrhage, infraorbital oedema, nasal pain and in-patient hospital was slightly more in the conventional septoplasty group. CONCLUSION: No statistically significant difference was found between the conventional and endoscopic septoplasty groups, as assessed by subjective and objective evaluation.

PMID: 19046471 [PubMed - in process]

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