Monday 19 January 2009

Proposed FICCI STG Giudlines for Rx of CSOM:Please give feedback

FICCI has constituted a Sub Group on Health Insurance to Identify Acceptable Reasonable Treatment Guidelines For Common Reasons For Hospitalization and Band Of Prices. The aim of the subgroup is to provide health insurance and healthcare providers a common platform for developing common understanding on health insurance related issues, encourage innovation and development of sophisticated products.

The subgroup has identified a list of major reasons of hospitalization, under the category of day care procedure, surgical procedure and common medical condition. In this exercise some of the senior level medical clinical experts have contributed in working out the acceptable reasonable treatment guidelines. Enclosed is the List and Summary of the project for your kind perusal.

This Sub-Group has already met six times till now at New Delhi. We have completed the first phase of our work on identifying acceptable reasonable treatment guidelines for Cataract, Asthma, Renal stones, Tympanoplasty, Tonsillectomy, Appendicectomy /Cholecystectomy, Urological Surgery: Prostate Enlargement

Having successfully completed the first phase of the project, we would like to initiate peer group review of the identified acceptable standards and guidelines by a professional body like yours, which has high credibility amongst the medical community. This is critical to ensure that the standards have industry wide acceptance. May I therefore request you to kindly provide us with your valuable inputs and suggestions for further improvisation on the enclosed presentation on Tympanoplasty. This will help us in finalizing the standard treatment guidelines for this particular condition
Please find the Write up on CSOM for your perusal and feedback.

Please give feedback to

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