Tuesday 9 September 2008

Jaipur Conference 2009

Dear Colleagues,
It is our proud privilege to extend you this cordial invitation to attend the 61st National Conference of Otolaryngologists of India "AOICON – 2009" during 22nd to 25th January 2009, Jaipur.The scientific program during the conference will have a number of symposias, Lectures, Panel Discussions and a special pre-conference CME on Phonosurgery to cover all important topics of General ENT, Otology, Rhinology & other sub-specialty.We have also planned special Live surgery session cum discussions during "Breakfast Session" to give the delegates an opportunity to interact and benefit from the knowledge and experience of internationally renowned faculty.On behalf of the organising committee of AOICON 2009, we invite you to Jaipur from 21st to 25th January 2009 to take part in this festival of academic sessions and cultural gala. Looking forward for your active participation.
Dr. Man Prakash Sharma(Organising Secretary)
Associate Professor,Deptt. of E. N. T. & Head & Neck surgery,S. M. S. Medical college & Hospital,Jaipur.

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