Thursday, 30 September 2010
Clinical meet on Head and Neck Oncology on 26th October at AIIMS.
Some eminent Head and Neck Onco surgeons from UK are visiting us in October.
We are taking this opportunity to organize a clinical meet on Head and Neck Oncology on 26th October at AIIMS. The meeting shall consist of representative interesting Head and Neck Oncology cases. The meeting shall be an opportunity for both experienced and budding specialists to participate in tumor board comprising the foreign faculty and also senior faculty from Otolaryngology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology from AIIMS. We are looking forward to your presence and participation.
Date of clinical meet: 26-10-2010
Venue: Director’s Board Room, AIIMS
Time: 2:00 pm
Faculty (Foreign)
Mr. Sanjai Sood, Bradford
Mr. Ricardo Simo, London
Mr. Jarrod Homer, Manchester
Mr. Vinidh Paeri, New Castle
Mr. Paul Pracy, Birmingham
Faculty (AIIMS)
Prof. R.C. Deka, Director AIIMS
Prof. S.C Sharma
Dr. Alok Thakar
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Dr. C. Venkata karthikeyan
Prof. G.K. Rath
Prof. B.K. Mohanty
Dr. Atul Sharma
Prof. P.K. Julka
Dr. Suman Bhasker
Dr. Alok Thakar
For more queries email to Dr. Kapil:
Monday, 27 September 2010
Cover photograph,Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;136(9):853

Hot air balloon carnival
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;136(9):853. doi:10.1001/archoto.2010.153
Photographer: Rakesh Datta, MS, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Umaid Bhawan Palace, the royal palace of Jodhpur, provides a beautiful backdrop for a hot air balloon carnival. Located on the edge of the Thar Desert in the north Indian state of Rajasthan, Jodhpur was a citadel of the Marwar kingdom from the 15th to 20th centuries. The Umaid Palace is a recent addition to the royal architecture, built from 1929 to 1943 as a drought relief measure that provided work for citizens of neighboring poor villages.
Dr Rakesh Datta, MS is currently Faculty Member, Otorhinolaryngology,Armed Forces,Delhi
'RHINOPLASTY REDEFINED 2010' 9th and 10th of October 2010,Bangalore
Visit the website for details and registration form download and to veiw the e-brochure.
With regards,
Organizing team
Dr.H.S.Satish Ph: 09980404660 (Organizing Chairman)
Spasmodic dysphonia
The following treatment options are currently available:
Botulinum toxin muscle injection
Type II laryngoplasty
Voice therapy
Recurrent laryngeal nerve denervation and reinnervation
TA and lateral cricoarytenoid myectomy
Oral medical therapy
Lip Reconstruction
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Custom-made Gold Implant for Management of Lagophthalmos
Friday, 24 September 2010
MICRO ENDO OTOCON 2010 to be held on Nov.12,13,14,Kollam
CME,Sitaram Bhartiya Hospital,September26,2010
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Human Papillomavirus and Head and Neck Cancer
Temporal Bone Dissection,October 1-2,Hyderabad ,HERF
Live Surgery ,October 3,Hyderabad,HERF
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
34th NWZAOI Conference,September 24-26,Ludhiana
7 th AOI JOINT MP & CG State Conf ,13-14 November 2010,Raipur
7 th AOI JOINT MP & CG state Pre conf live surgical workshop & conf. is being organized on 13-14 th November {Sat- Sun ] by AOI Raipur branch & Deptt of ENT , Pt. JNM Medical college Raipur {CG}.
The guest faculty will be Dr V ANAND & DR RENUKA BRADOO.
Thanx & Regards
sincerely yours
PH 0771-2430288, 2426559,094242-23860
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
ITOS 2010,Palakkad,Kerala,November 6-7, 2010
The training that is imparted will enable you to understand the current principles of ear/mastoid surgery.
The two day programme at Thangam hospital will be a non-profit programme purely for highlighting the latest advances in otological surgery. Your whole-hearted participation for mutual benefit is solicited.

Dr. Ranjith.G
Organising Secretary
Dr. R.Indudharan
Organising Chairm
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Dr. Prahlada N.B's Channelprahladnb's Channel on youtube
Copy and paste above link to your Browser
Dr. Prahlada N.B is a graduate of JJM Medical College (Mysore University), Davanagere, Karnataka. He completed his Master of Surgery in ENT-Head & Neck Surgery from the most prestigious and premier Institute of India, the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Later, he received advanced training in Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Ear & Skull Base Surgery and Head & Neck Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery, Micro-vascular reconstructive Surgery and Voice Surgery in various prestigious Institutes at abroad.
He started and developed one of the best departments in Al-Shifa Hospital, Perinthalmanna, a 700 bed major Super specialty Hospital in Northern Kerala. He worked here for four years and published a pioneering book on "Imaging for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery". In year 2000, he was awarded Dr. RAF Cooper National Award for his Original Surgical technique, "Karnataka Flap for Mastoid Obliteration", first and only person to get this award in the state of Karnataka.
From year 2000, he started the ENT-Head & Neck Surgery Department at Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital, Chitradurga, Karnataka and worked till 2009 as Professor and Head. During this time, he presented and published many original research articles, developed original treatment and surgical techniques and has won more than 6 prestigious Gold Medals for these research activities.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Laryngology 2011,June 20-22,2011,London
A three day conference and instructional sessions to be held in London between 20 - 22/June/2011 aiming to deliver an up to the minute update on all the current trends in Laryngology.
The meeting is aimed at otolaryngologists, thoracic surgeons, interventional respiratory physicians and speech and language therapists. The meeting is suitable for consultants, specialists and senior trainees.
Topics covered including:
Laryngeal Transplant
Tissue engineered trachea
Airway management
Laryngeal pacing
Laryngeal re-innervation
The meeting also offers one day of live surgery and practical instructional sessions including:
Laryngeal framework surgery
Airway surgery
Laryngeal injection
Office-based procedures
Trans-nasal oesophagoscopy
Course directors:
Professor Martin Birchall
Mr Guri Sandhu
International faculty:
Professor Peter Belafsky, US
Professor Paolo Macchiarini, Italy
Professor Marc Remacle, Belgium
Laryngeal Transplantation:Brief Report from Cleveland
In 1998, we performed a total laryngeal transplantation in a man who had sustained a severe traumatic injury to the larynx and pharynx. We describe the procedure and report the results in detail here.
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31st Raj AOICON – 2010,13th and 14th November 2010 Sikar.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, it gives us immense pleasure and honour to extend invitation for the
31st Raj AOICON – 2010 to be held under the auspices of AOI Rajasthan chapter and Organising Committee
AOI – Sikar on 13th and 14th November 2010 Sikar.
Please find attach herewith the 1st Announcement Brochure for the same.
Kindly get yourself registered as early as possible.
We look forward to your participation at SIKAR.
With warm regards,
Dr. Hari Singh Khedar
Organising Secretary - RAJAOICON 2010,
6-A, Indra Colony, Devipura Road,
Opp. Ambedkar Statue, Sikar (Raj.)
Mobile:- 09414280366
Friday, 17 September 2010
Head Neck Oncology,Karamsaad,19-20, February 2011

Download Brochure
Dear Colleagues,
It gives me a great pleasure inviting you to the 4th Annual Conference of G-SHNO (Gujarat Society of Head and Neck Oncology) to be held on 19th and 20th Feb. 2011 at Anand, Gujarat.
As many may be aware, Anand is considered to be the milk city of India, the home of Amul – “The Taste of India”. Also nearby is the birth place of our nation’s Iron Man Mr. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel - Karmasad. Karamsad holds the 1st private medical college of Gujarat. Attached are Shree Krishna Hospital, a 500 bedded multispecialty hospital and M.S.Patel Cancer Centre with state of art services.
Anand is also easy and convenient to approach both from Ahmedabad and Baroda…
· The main highlights of this event will be
· High level of scientific feast with reputed national and international faculties.
· More interactive sessions with enough opportunities to interact with the faculties.
· Sessions will include invited and guest lectures, panel discussions, debates, poster presentations and surgical video presentation.
· The conference will be preceded by a pre-conference CME on “Introduction to Head and Neck” for the upcoming head and neck surgeons and residents interested to peruse carrier in head and neck oncology.
· Interesting video presentations with interactive session.
· Special attraction for the spouses and children’s.
Anand is cool and pleasant in February. The Resort is a perfect place to refresh oneself once again before scorching summer starts. We look forward for your active articipation in the milk city of India, Anand.
Dr.Siddharth Shah, M.SHead & Neck Oncosurgeon
H.M.Patel Centre for Medical Care and Education
Karamsad, Anand.
Contact +919726579818
Sunday, 12 September 2010
IFHNOS World Tour Bangalore,October 13-16,2010

The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies is offering a global continuing medical education program featuring the most respected leaders in the field of head & neck surgery and oncology. This global CME under the dynamic leadership of President Dr. Jatin P. Shah (Chairman, Head & Neck Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York) has taken upon itself the herculean task of disseminating to every corner of our planet, the most fundamental and accepted concepts that should dictate the optimal care of patients with Head and Neck cancer. Six outstanding leaders in the field from various nations will undertake a historic International tour for the purpose. We in Bangalore have the pleasure and privilege of hosting the event for India and for our neighboring South Asian countries viz. Nepal, Bangladesh, Bangkok, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The IFHNOS theme entails a complete overview of current trends and advancements in the field of Head and Neck Oncology. The conference is multidisciplinary and is targeted at Head and Neck Oncologists, Surgical oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Otolaryngologists, General Surgeons, and others with a special interest in the field of Head & Neck surgery.
Leaders in the specialty of head and neck oncology have organized this program for each region. The program will provide state-of-the-art knowledge and explore the frontiers of head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment. Ample opportunity for interactive sessions between the local faculty, attendees and the travelling faculty will be provided.
The IFHNOS touring faculty includes:
Dr. Jatin P Shah, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
Dr Randal Weber, M.D Anderson cancer Centre, Texas, USA
Dr Ralph Gilbert, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr Vincent Gregoire, Catholic University, Belgium
Dr Merrill Keis, M.D Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas, USA
Dr Rene Leemans, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Dr Jesus Medina, University of Oklahoma, USA
Dr Jan Vermorken, University of Antwerp, Amsterdam
On the eve of this global scientific meet we encourage maximum participation from all clinicians & institutions to derive utmost benefit from the scientific feast and uplift the standards of care for head neck oncology.
We have made special arrangements for this upcoming event which includes early bird discounts on all registrations and accommodations as well as special offers on travel. All details pertaining to the registration, accommodation and travel are available at the website .
Please register at the earliest to avail the early bird offers. We look forward to welcoming you in Bangalore.
If you have any additional queries please feel free to contact the organizers.
Dr Ashok M Shenoy:
Dr Vishal Rao :
Dr P.L.Chavan :
Saturday, 11 September 2010
five different kinds of thyroiditis
In medical terms, the suffix -itis means inflammation; thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland which may be associated with an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism. There are five different kinds of thyroiditis. Although each different type of thyroiditis may cause different symptoms, many times they can be quite similar.
In the case of thyroiditis, hypothyroidism is caused by destruction of the thyroid gland by an inflammatory process। When thyroid cells are attacked by the inflammation, these cells die. Without thyroid cells, the thyroid is no longer able to produce enough thyroid hormone to maintain the body's normal metabolism. Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland, results.
KENTCON - 2010 Kollam,September 18-19,2010

KENTCON - 2010
9th Annual Conference of Association of
Otolaryngologists of India
Saturday - Sunday, 18th & 19th September 2010
Hosted by AOI Kollam Chapter
Friday, 10 September 2010
The Role of Superantigens in Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps
ORL 2008;70:97-103 (DOI: 10.1159/000114532)
Recent reports suggest that staphylococcal exotoxins, acting as superantigens, activate T cells with subsequent massive proliferation, thereby contributing to the etiology of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). The objectives of this study are (1) to demonstrate directly the presence of staphylococcal exotoxins in nasal mucosa and sinonasal polyp tissue, and (2) provide indirect evidence of the effect of superantigens on the T cells expressing the target of superantigen, i.e., the β variable chain receptor (TCRBV) in polyp tissue and peripheral blood of patients with CRSwNP. Sinonasal polyp tissue and peripheral blood specimens were obtained from 37 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (22 patients with bilateral nasal polyps, 15 without nasal polyps) and 12 normal subjects for comparative negative controls. Tissue specimens were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the most common staphylococcal exotoxins (A–D) and toxic shock syndrome toxin type 1. Fresh tissue and blood samples were analyzed by flow cytometry to determine the expression of TCRBV. In the CRSwNP subjects 12 of 22 samples (54.54%) demonstrated reactivity for at least 1 staphylococcal exotoxin, while 2 of the 12 were positive for 2 toxins. There were no positive results in the CRS without nasal polyps or control groups. There was a clear trend of increased TCRBV expression in the ELISA-positive group both for tissue and blood specimens. Staphylococcal superantigens were present in the nasal cavity of patients with CRSwNP with a high percentage of TCRBV, which suggests the possibility of superantigens as etiological agents of CRSwNP.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Tongue is the strongest muscle in the body-Myth
The Tongue Map: Tasteless Myth Debunked
As reported in the journal Nature this month, scientists have identified a protein that detects sour taste on the tongue. This is a rather important protein, for it enables us and other mammals to recognize spoiled or unripe food. The finding has been hailed as a minor breakthrough in identifying taste mechanisms, involving years of research with genetically engineered mice.
This may sound straightforward but, remarkably, more is known about vision and hearing, far more complicated senses, than taste.
"Endoscopic Color Atlas of EAR DISEASES"
AIRS annual conference
The academic year for the current session of the All India Rhinology Society is drawing to a close and it is time for our annual conference. The annual conference at Udaipur- the 23rd RHINOCON from the 10th to the 12th September is due to start in another couple of days,and the conference promises to be a feast for all under the able chairmanship of Dr Ashok Gupta at the Geetanjali Medical College, Udaipur.
This is to remind you to be at the conference where we have the Senior and Junior Consultants award papers, the annual Quiz, the poster session award, the Residents award paper,Orations, guest lectures, Cadeveric dissection, Live surgery sessions, Panel discussions, free papers and lots of other activities. Let us all collect at Udaipur and partake the warm hospitality of
Prof. Ashok Gupta.
I am enclosing the tentative program for the coference fot your perusal. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Dr Ashok Gupta(09414156888)for any clarifications.
Hoping to see you all during the conference at Udaipur.
Download Programme
With warm regards,
Dr Achal Gulati,
Hony. Secretary,AIRS
Professor, Deptt. of ENT,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Wolff–Chaikoff effect
the decreased formation and release of thyroid hormone in the presence of an excess of iodine.
The Wolff–Chaikoff effect is hypothyroidism caused by ingestion of a large amount of iodine. Whether or not daily ingestion of 1000 mcg - 12.5mg (mixed iodide/iodine) doses by otherwise healthy adults will cause this effect in a statistically significant number of patients has not yet been proven in human studies.
It is an autoregulatory phenomenon which inhibits formation of thyroid hormones inside of the thyroid follicle. This becomes evident secondary to elevated levels of circulating iodide. The Wolff-Chaikoff effect lasts several days (around 10 days), after which it is followed by an "escape phenomenon", which is described by resumption of normal organification of iodine and normal thyroid peroxidase function. "Escape phenomenon" is believed to occur because of decreased inorganic iodine concentration secondary to down-regulation of sodium-iodide symporter on the basolateral membrane of the thyroid follicular cell.
The Wolff–Chaikoff effect can be used as a treatment principle against hyperthyroidism by infusion of a large amount of iodine to shut down the hyperfunctioning thyroid gland, or an unpleasant iatrogenic effect of several iodine containing drugs, of which the most famous is amiodarone.
The Jod-Basedow phenomenon is iodine-induced hyperthyroidism.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Imaging and surgical approach of nasal dermoids.
Imaging and surgical approach of nasal dermoids.
Bloom DC, Carvalho DS, Dory C, Brewster DF, Wickersham JK, Kearns DB.
Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital and Health Center, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 34800 Bob Wilson Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92134-2200, USA.
OBJECTIVE: Determine the most accurate and cost effective radiographic evaluation for nasal dermoids. Determine the best surgical approach for excision of nasal dermoids.
DESIGN: Retrospective chart review.
SETTING: Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, California.
PARTICIPANTS: All patients with nasal dermoids evaluated and treated from 1990 to 2000.
INTERVENTION: Preoperative radiographic evaluation and surgical excision.
OUTCOME MEASURES: Accuracy of CT and MRI correlated with surgical findings and results.
RESULTS: Ten patients were identified with the diagnosis of nasal dermoid. The age at diagnosis ranged from 0 to 24 months, with a mean of 3 months. Six children presented with masses located at the glabella, three patients presented with masses located at the nasal dorsum and one presented with a mass at the nasal tip. Six children underwent a computed tomogram with contrast of the head. Seven children underwent a MRI study of the head. Three children underwent an initial CT followed by MRI. Twenty percent of children were found to have intracranial extension. CT scan accurately diagnosed intracranial extension in one case, was indeterminate in a second case and falsely positive in a third case. MRI correctly diagnosed intracranial extension in two cases and had no false positive or false negative results. No children were found to have associated intracranial anomalies. In the early years of the review, a simple excision was made over the mass with blunt and sharp dissection for removal. (An external rhinoplasty incision is now used with better exposure and improved cosmetic results.) In cases with intracranial communication, a combined approach of external rhinoplasty and craniotomy was used.
CONCLUSIONS: MRI alone is the most cost effective and accurate means of evaluating nasal dermoids and is essential for preoperative planning. The surgical approach of choice is external rhinoplasty for both cosmetic reasons and exposure of nasal dermoids with and without intracranial extension.
PMID: 11788143 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Friday, 3 September 2010
enlargement, be removed with a reasonable hope
of saving the patient? Experience emphatically
answers NO…If a surgeon should be so foolhardy
as to undertake it…every stroke of his knife will be
followed by a torrent of blood, and lucky will it be
for him if his victim lives long enough to enable him
to finish his horrid butchery. No honest and
sensible surgeon would ever engage in it!”
Samuel David Gross, 1866
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Recurrent contralateral abducens nerve palsy in acute unilateral sphenoiditis
Received 21 February 2009 published online 04 June 2009.
American Journal of Otolaryngology
We describe a patient who presented with recurrent, contralateral abducens nerve palsy resulting from acute sphenoiditis.
Patient medical record and imaging studies were reviewed. A literature review of complications of sphenoiditis was performed.
Our patient presented with symptoms consistent with an upper respiratory tract infection, as well as severe headache, disequilibrium, and diplopia. Physical examination demonstrated left-sided sixth cranial nerve palsy. Imaging studies were consistent with right sphenoid sinus inflammatory disease. Her medical history was significant for a similar episode 9 years previously, which was managed medically. The current episode was treated acutely with antibiotics and prednisone. Upon resolution of her symptoms, she underwent an endoscopic sphenoidotomy.
Although cranial nerve palsies associated with isolated sphenoiditis have been reported, we describe a unique case of recurrent isolated sphenoiditis causing contralateral abducens nerve palsy. Acute management can be medical, with surgical therapy reserved for refractory cases or to prevent future episodes.
I really do appreciate your efforts to spread knowledge..
I am reminded of a case I had in the late 80s. A child with idiopathic
abducent nerve palsy (unilateral). It passed away in a couple of days,
and we were clueless.. in that era/area without CT ;-)
Now I am wiser!
Thanks and regds,
Thomas Antony
Michael Douglas :Late Detection of Malignancy-Who is to blame?
Catherine and Michael said they both knew that “something was up” after the actor complained of constant throat and ear pain for months before his official diagnosis. According to Zeta-Jones, her husband “sought every option and nothing was found.”
First Auditory Brainstem Implantation carried out at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

It gives me great pleasure to share with you another milestone achieved by the Cochlear Implant Service at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.
Having carried out over 300 cochlear implant procedures in the last 4 years alone, we have now successfully performed our first Paediatric Auditory Brainstem Implantation (ABI). This four year old child has severe (Grade I) cochlear hypoplasia with auditory nerve hypoplasia.
Dr Ameet Kishore
Sr. Consultant
Ear, Nose, Throat and Neuro-Otology
Cochlear Implant Surgeon
'Dr Pranav Kumar, MCh,
Sr. Consultant, Neurosurgery'
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
New Delhi
Rakesh Datta said...
Wat to go
September 2, 2010 7:20 AM
Ravi said...
September 2, 2010 10:22 AM
anu said...
Congratulations to the entire team!
September 2, 2010 6:23 PM
Cutting the chorda tympani: not just a matter of taste
Cutting the chorda tympani: not just a matter of taste.
Guinand N, Just T, Stow NW, Van HC, Landis BN.
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Division of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, University of Geneva Medical School, Switzerland.
INTRODUCTION: Chorda tympani injury as a complication of middle-ear surgery has been extensively studied with regard to its effects upon taste. However, the chorda tympani also carries parasympathetic fibres to the salivary glands of the oral cavity. To date, little has been reported about the effect of chorda tympani section upon salivary function.
SETTING: Tertiary care centre.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We report a case series of three patients with bilateral chorda tympani lesions. Chorda tympani function was assessed using 'taste strips' and unstimulated sialometry. A careful history of oral symptoms was taken.
RESULTS: All patients showed transient or permanent bilateral ageusia of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and a decreased resting salivary flow rate. In addition, all patients suffered from transient or persistent, distressing xerostomia.
CONCLUSION: Taste disorders may occur after middle-ear surgery but they are mostly transient, even when the chorda tympani nerves are sectioned bilaterally. In contrast, bilateral chorda tympani lesions may lead to severe, persistent and distressing xerostomia. Based on this neglected aspect of chorda tympani function, we emphasise the importance of preserving the chorda tympani whenever possible.