2nd Adelaide Endosocpic Skull Base Surgery Course
We are extremely fortunate to have the world leaders in endoscopic skull base surgery as our guests of honour at this course. Amin Kassam and Ricardo Carrau
formally from the University of Pittsburgh and now from the John Wayne Cancer Institute have built a reputation as the world leaders in this field and we are privileged to have them share their knowledge. Their expertise is complimented by a very experienced local faculty of ENT and neurosurgeons. This course provides the opportunity for ENT and Neurosurgeons to improve their endoscopic skills and to learn the endoscopic anatomy of the nasal cavity and sinuses through which the posterior cranial fossa, pituitary gland and anterior cranial fossa can be approached. Ideally the neurosurgeon and ENT surgeon would register as a team, allowing the extensive sinus surgery required as part of the approach to be rapidly performed by the ENT surgeon leaving more time for dissection of the posterior fossa, anterior fossa and infra-temporal fossa. Emphasis on this course is hands-on dissection providing the opportunity for learning how to position and management of instruments in the nose, sinuses and intra-cranial cavity and to understand the
endoscopic anatomy involved in such approaches. This will be a very intensive, but hopefully enriching three-day course.
Prof P.J. Wormald
Chairman & Head Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph : +61 8 8222 7158
Fax : +61 8 8222 7419
e-mail: peterj.wormald@adelaide.edu.au
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