Tuesday, 31 May 2011
62nd hands on cadaver FEST(under the auspices of Hyderabad ENT Research Foundation)11th - 14th August 2011
workshop secretariat
Dr.Rau's ENT super specialty hospital,
1/2rt, housing board colony, punjagutta,
Hyderabad - 500082
contact no’s - +919849085060, +919989225035
email - drgvsrao@raosentcare.com, drchaitanya@raosentcare.com
course coordinators - Dr.Krishna Reddy, Dr.Arun kumar, Dr.Anoop,
Dr.Chaitanya Rau.
Comment on Otoscopic Findings
Dr Srinivas (Bangalore)
Dr. Prahlada N.B(Bangalore)
Dr. Rishi Gautam Aggarwal (Ambala)
Dr.Pankaj (Lucknow)
Dr. Deepak Dalmia(Mumbai)
Dr.Faizy (Cairo)
Dr.Rajeev Kapila(Ludhiana)
Dr.Venketasan (Chennai)

There appear to be two prerequisites necessary for the development of a pulsion hernia.
The first is a preexisting defect in the fibrous middle layer of the pars tensa of the tympanic membrane.
The second is the presence of positive pressure within the middle ear, which forces the thinned portion of the tympanic membrane laterally into the canal (the pulsion).
If the fibrous middle layer of the pars tensa were intact, the tympanic membrane would be unable to herniated laterally to any significant extent.
The thinness of the pars tensa of the tympanic membrane over the pulsion pocket suggests that the herniation of the tympanic membrane occurred in an area where the fibrous middle layer of membrane has disappeared (e.g., the site of a previous, healed perforation or retraction pocket), leaving an area where the membrane consists of only two layers (a dimeric membrane).
Monday, 30 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
World No Tobacco Day,May 31
- approximately 120 million citizens of India are smokers (among the largest in the world)?
- the Indian tobacco industry sells 102 billion cigarettes every year?
- an estimated 240 million people in India use tobacco?
- 40% of deaths in India directly or indirectly occur due to tobacco intake?
- smoking is more prevalent among rural women, with 2% of them being active smokers, as compared to only 0.5% women smokers in urban areas in India?
- more than 11% Indian women consume tobacco products.
Schneiderian papillomas

The ectodermally derived ciliated respiratory mucosa that lines the sinonasal tract, so-called Schneiderian membrane, gives rise to three morphologically distinct papillomas. These are referred to individually as the fungiform(BOTTOM L), inverted(TOP), and oncocytic papillomas(BOTTOM R) or, collectively, as Schneiderian papillomas.
These benign lesions were named in honor of C. Victor Schneider who, in the 1600s, demonstrated that nasal mucosa produces catarrh and not CSF and identified its origin from the ectoderm.
Unlike the rest of the upper respiratory tract mucosa, the sinonasal mucosa is ectodermal in origin, derived originally from the stomodeum (ie, primitive mouth) in the fourth week of gestation. Sinonasal mucosa is continuous with the mucosal lining of the nasopharynx, which is of endodermal origin but is of identical histology.
Primary tuberculosis of submandibular salivary gland.
Primary tuberculosis of submandibular salivary gland.
Tauro LF, George C, Kamath A, Swethadri G, Gatty R.
Department of General Surgery, Fr. Muller Medical College Hospital, Kankanady, Mangalore (D.K.), Karnataka, India.
Tuberculosis of the submandibular salivary gland is a rare condition and only a few cases have been reported in literature. Tubercular sialadenitis is most frequently seen in immunosuppressed patients. Diagnosis of this disease is difficult. Although fine needle aspiration cytology is useful in diagnosis, excisional biopsy is often required. Polymerase chain reaction for mycobacterium tuberculosis is a reliable diagnostic tool, and if available, it should be performed before surgical intervention to enable differential diagnosis of a salivary gland tumor. We report two cases of the submandibular salivary gland tuberculosis from South India (Mangalore located in the coastal belt of Karnataka) that proved diagnostically challenging. Both patients responded well to antitubercular therapy and surgery was avoided.
PMID: 21572614 [PubMed - in process] PMCID: PMC3068584 Free PMC Article
Friday, 27 May 2011
OTOENDOCON ,July 30-31,2011,Tiruvalla

Dear friends,
We are happy to announce the details of our 3rd annual hands on cadaveric sinus surgery workshop under the auspicious of OTOENDOCON. It will be a great oppurtunity for the aspiring endoscopic surgeons to sharpen there skills. the two day workshop will be totally guided step by step dissection under the guidance of Dr. Janaki raman.
Please dont miss this oppurtunity
For further information please contact Dr.Vivek Sasindaran- 9947132343, Dr. Binu Babu- 9048829968
Adam Politzer (1835-1920) -"first official teacher of otology"

Politzer gave his lectures on otologic diseases for over 46 years without interruption and received more than 7,000 students from all over the world. Vienna became an indispensable stop in Europe for the training in medicine, particularly in the special field of otology
Read more for ADAM POLITZER in comments
Thursday, 26 May 2011
ENT Quiz Round 17
1] All are complications of unsafe CSOM except
A]Pseudotumour cerebri
B]Eosinophilic granuloma
D]Bezold’s abscess
2]Nasal polyps, asthma and aspirin hypersensitivity occurring together is known as
A]Kartagener’s syndrome
B]Osler – Rendu – Weber disease
C]Samter triad
D]Cystic fibrosis
3]Pendred’s syndrome is congenital
A]hyperthyroidism with exophthalmos
B]Hypothyroidism with deafness
C]Hypoparathyroidism with deafness
D]Hyperparathyroidism with anosmia
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Propranolol as First-line Treatment of Head and Neck Hemangiomas
Fuchsmann C, Quintal MC, Giguere C, Ayari-Khalfallah S, Guibaud L, Powell J, McCone C, Froehlich P.
Service d'Otorhinolaryngologie Pédiatrique, L'Hôpital Femme Mère Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69600 Bron, France. carine.fuchsmann@chu-lyon.fr.
To report the efficacy of propranolol as first-line treatment of head and neck hemangiomas in children and to present an optimized protocol for treating hemangiomas.
Multi-institutional retrospective study.
Two tertiary care referral pediatric centers.
Thirty-nine children with head and neck infantile hemangiomas were treated.
Review of clinical records.
Propranolol was the sole treatment in 60% of patients and was started at a mean age of 4.1 months (age range, 1-11 months) for early interventions among 33 of 39 patients. Propranolol therapy resulted in lightening and reduction of hemangiomas at 37 of 39 locations within 2 days to 2 weeks. One subglottic hemangioma and 1 nasal tip hemangioma did not respond or showed only a partial response; in these patients, propranolol therapy was delayed and followed other treatment failures. After successful therapeutic regression, 6 recurrences occurred; when reintroduced, propranolol was again effective. Recurrences were avoided by prolonged treatment. Twenty-six hemangiomas occurring at locations for which corticosteroid treatment previously would not have been initiated (nose, lips, and parotid area) unless a complication had occurred were treated with propranolol and were rapidly controlled. The mean duration of propranolol therapy was 8.5 months. No instances of β-blocker discontinuation because of complications occurred, but propranolol was substituted by acebutolol in 5 patients because of trouble sleeping.
Propranolol is an effective treatment of head and neck infantile hemangiomas, especially when started early within the rapid growth phase, and is first-line treatment of orbit and larynx hemangiomas. The efficacy and tolerability of propranolol led us to treat some hemangiomas in patients whom we previously would have observed rather than subject to corticosteroid therapy. Relapse was avoided if treatment was prolonged after theoretical involution (age 12 months). Questions remain about optimal dosing and age at treatment cessation.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EO)
Rhino-Snore 2011,July 2-3,Hyderabad

Live Surgical Workshop on Rhinoplasty &Snoring
Venue:District General Hospital,King Koti,Hyderabad,
Organized by AOI South Zone in association with AOI AP State & A0I Hyderabad Branch.
Organizing Chairman : Dr D.Dwarkanatha Reddy
Organzing Secretary: Dr V.Ramakrishnaiah
Contact : aoisouthzonebranch@gmail.com
Cell :9848136841
Sunday, 22 May 2011
7th SAARC ENT Congress May 25-27, 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal

visit www.solnepal.org.np
Prof Bimal K Sinha,Organizing Chairman, 977 98510 31 505
Prof Rajendra Guragain,Organizing Secretary ,977 98511 200 71
Spot the Dx 4

The correct Answers ;Longitudinal fracture temporal bone
Otoscopy Shows Step deformity and hemotympanum
Correct Answers " Dr Kapil Sikka(AIIMS)
Saturday, 21 May 2011
ENT TRENDS, Vol2, Issue 2, April 2011
Hello readers,
Welcome to the second issue of our second volume. In this, we have covered the everconfusing topic of VERTIGO; a symptom which leaves not only the ENT practitioners but members of opthalmology and neurology fraternity, perplexed at times. We have covered some broad topics on vertigo to enhance the knowledge of our readers.
We would be delighted to recieve your feedback on the content of our newsletters, your experiences or suggestions.
Constructive criticism is welcome !
Editorial Board,
ENT Trends.
Friday, 20 May 2011
A]Stapedial branch of facial nerve.
B]Ampullary branch of superior vestibular nerve.
C]Anterior tympanic artery in the middle ear
D]Greater superficial petrosal nerve
2]Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma originates in the
A]Foramen lacerum
B]Sphenopalatine foramen
C]Greater palatine canal
D]Vidian canal
3]Jitter and Shimmer are terms used in
B]Video laryngo stroboscopy
C]Electro nystagmography
D]Contact endoscopy
Thursday, 19 May 2011
6th SGH ENT Instructional Course Week 2011 (28 July - 3 August 2011)
The Singapore General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology is organising their 6th ENT Instructional Course Week from 28 July - 3 August 2011. It will feature the regular Otology & Neuro-Otology course as well as the Functional Endoscopic Sinus & Skull Base Surgery course.
In response to feedbacks and requests from previous course participants, a Functional Septorhinoplasty course will also be included this year.
Please do visit the official event website for more updates on course information.
Registration is now opened to all medical professionals.
REGISTER NOW @ www.sghentweek.com.sg.
Limited Seats left!
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms Yap Hanning at (65) 6321 4078 or Ms Jessica Leong at (65) 6326 4071 or email toentweek@sgh.com.sg.

Singapore General Hospital
Block 6 Level 1, Outram Road
Singapore 169608
International Visiting Scholarships (IVS ) of US $2,000 each to attend our Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, San Francisco, September 11-14, 2011.
Deadline Alert! May 31 is last date to apply for the Indian International Visiting Scholarships of $2,000 each to attend the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, San Francisco September 11-14, 2011
Dear AOI leaders:
On behalf of Dr Nikhil J. Bhatt, chair of AAO-HNSF International Otolaryngology Committee and Advisor at Large to the International Steering Committee, this is to announce the new deadline of May 31 to apply for International Visiting Scholarships (IVS) of US $2,000 each to attend our Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, San Francisco, September 11-14, 2011.
We are delighted that this year there are three IVS reserved for young Indian otolaryngologists. Attached is an updated IVS application form, which we ask if you can kindly distribute to potential candidates at your earliest convenience.
The application includes information on observerships, which are part of the scholarship. For those wishing to apply who lack an invitation to observe in the US, we will do our best to help. We do need to know1) clinical interest or subspecialty, 2) preference for institutions3) approximate length of time available for the observership, e.g. two weeks, one month.
Attached is a list of US ORL departments that accept visiting fellows in various subspecialties.
Please address questions or comments to international@entnet.org. Many thanks for your help and we look forward to welcoming some outstanding young Indian scholars to our meeting in San Francisco.
With kind regards and many thanks for your help,
Catherine R. Lincoln, CAE, MA (Oxon)
Senior Manager, International/Humanitarian
American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery
1650 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, VA 22314-2857, USA
Direct dial: 1-703-535-3738 Fax 1-703-299-1124; www.entnet.org
REGISTER TODAY AND SAVE! Early registration is now open for our 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, September 11-14, San Francisco, California.
For international questions, contact clincoln@entnet.org or international@entnet.org
--2011 International Visiting Scholars: May 31 is application deadline
--2011 Otolaryngology History Society call for papers: May 26 is deadline
--2011 Humanitarian Resident Travel Grants: May 31 is deadline for missions July 1-December 31, 2011.
Renew your membership dues for 2011 online today and stay connected to colleagues, knowledge, and resources. www.entnet.org/renew
Monday, 16 May 2011
Hashimoto Hakaru
Born May 5, 1881 Mie Prefecture, Japan
Died January 9, 1934 Japan
Cause of death Typhoid Fever
Nationality Japanese
Occupation physician
Known for Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Dear Colleagues
It is our great privilege and honour to invite you to Kashmir for the Cochlear Implant & Micro-ear Surgery Workshop, 2011.
Kashmir, the mystique valley, is renowned for its beauty beyond imagination. Also known to many as the “Heaven on Earth”, Kashmir has a great history of being one large educational center of the East. It has been an abode to numerous Saint’s and Reshi’s in the past. Kashmir is the major tourist attraction center in India and south-east Asia in all seasons, but especially in summers. The lush greens meadows, the snow capped mountains and numerous water bodies make this valley stand aloft in beauty compared to all other places in India and abroad.
Cochlear Implant Workshop, 2011 will provide excellent opportunities to share and upgrade knowledge, interact with renowned guest faculty and make new friends. The scientific session will comprise of lectures, symposia, panel discussion, workshop with interactive discussion.
We invite you to relish this bonanza and share experience in science and arts in the real paradise on earth.
Organizing Chairman
Prof. Rafiq Ahmad
HOD ENT &HNS, GMC Srinagar
1 Dr. Rauf Ahmad, Organizing secretary.
Assoc. Professr, Department of ENT, Govt. Medical College Srinagar, 190011.
Ph: 9419007931 Email: dr_rauf_sgr@yahoo.com
Does thyroxine suppression therapy help to rationalize surgery in benign euthyroid nodules?
Does thyroxine suppression therapy help to rationalize surgery in benign euthyroid nodules?
Mitra S, Jha M, Gandhi K.
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur - 831 001, India.
Nodular thyroid disease is a common endocrine problem. Most thyroid nodules are benign hyperplastic lesions, but 5-20% may be a true neoplasm. It is important to differentiate a benign from a malignant nodule early as the approach to treatment in the two is radically different. Early institution of medical management in a benign nodule may obviate the need for surgery.
The present work aims to study the efficacy of thyroxine suppression in the management of benign thyroid nodules.
A prospective study on patients presenting with thyroid nodule was undertaken. The diagnostic work-up included a clinical evaluation, thyroid function tests, thyroid scintigraphy and fine needle aspiration cytology. Based on the investigations, patients were segregated in Group A (toxic nodular goiter), Group B (benign euthyroid nodule) and Group C (malignant nodule). Group A patients were managed with antithyroid drugs and radioiodine and Group C patients were managed surgically. Group B patients were put on thyroxine suppression. Patients who failed to show reduction in size of the nodule at 18 months were treated surgically.
The response rate of benign euthyroid nodule to thyroxine suppression was 76% in the present study.
Lymph node levels of the neck
Lymph nodes in the neck have been divided into 7 levels, generally for the purpose of squamous cell carcinoma staging. This is however not all inclusive as the parotid nodes and retropharyngeal space nodes are not included in this system.
Level I : below myohyoid to hyoid bone anteriorly
Level Ia : submental
Level Ib : submandibular
Level II : jugulodigastric (base of skull to hyoid)
Level III : deep cervical (hyoid to cricoid)
Level IV : Virchow (cricoid to clavicle)
Level Va : accessory spinal (posterior triangle) : superior half
Level Vb : accessory spinal (posterior triangle) : inferior half
Level VI : prelaryngeal / pretracheal / Delphian node
Level VII : superior mediastinal (between CCAs, below top of manubrium)
Saturday, 14 May 2011
5th Workshop on Phonosurgery,19th - 20th August 2011,Mumbai
Venue: S.P Jain Auditorium
4th floor, New Wing, Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre
New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020
21st August 2011
Venue: Anatomy Dissection Hall, 2nd floor
Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400 012
Course Director
Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar
S.P Jain Auditorium
Courtesy: Bombay Hospital Trust
Contact details:
Dr Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar
Course Director
Room 213, 2nd Floor, New Wing, Bombay Hospital
12, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400 020
Journal of Laryngology and Voice
The Journal of Laryngology and Voice (ISSN : 2230–9748 ) is a Semiannual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles and information related to all aspects of laryngology and voice disorders. The journal intends to have an international appeal and focuses on all discipline dealing with managing disorders of larynx and voice including ENT surgeons, speech language pathologists, head and neck surgeons, professional voice users and allied specialties. The journal is supported by an elaborate editorial board with experts across the globe. The journal allows free access to its published content online including ‘pdf’ reprints and offers easy to use online submission to prospective authors. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for colour reproduction of photographs.
The journal invites prospective authors to submit their research in the form of original articles, review articles, editorials, articles demonstrating methodology, letters to the editor and rare and illustrating case reports for a quick and assured review. This online process also ensures a quick turn-around time, real time publication in an environment friendly fashion.
The Journal is the official publication of Laryngology and Voice Association and members of the association receive the journal as a part of membership benefit. The editorial board functions independently of the parent body with the help of its members worldwide.
Abstracting and Indexing information
The journal is indexed with Caspur, EBSCO Publishing’s Electronic Databases, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, MANTIS, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, SCOLOAR, SIIC databases, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory
ENT Quiz Round 16
Correct Answer:
Dr Dr Muhammed Afsal-Calicut
Dr Vivek/Davangere
Dr.Anil Mulay.Malegaon
Dr Anshul Gupta, New Delhi
Question on Ear-
1]Otosclerosis is characterized by
A]its prevalence in human beings only
B]a low incidence of both clinical and histological disease
C]independent influences of genetic mutation and measles infection
D]changes in the endochondral bone of the otic capsule
Question on Nose-
2]A bilateral thickening or swelling of the nasal septum can be found in
A]septal tubercle
B]fibrous dysplasia
D]lupus vulgaris
Question on Throat-
3]The signs and symptoms of Plummer-Vinson syndrome include
A]sideropenic dysphagia
B]digital clubbing
C]hepatic atrophy
D]frequent progression to postcricoid carcinoma
Friday, 13 May 2011
we will like to add our web link to www.entindia.net
Deven Vartak
TEL: 022-26853180
MOBILE: 9821330996
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Wanted: MS/DLO graduates for Dr.Raus ENT superspeciality hospital, Hyderabad ENT research foundation and Medwin hospitals, Hyderabad under Dr.G.V.S. Rau
Salary: Rs 25 thousand to Rs 1 lakh based on experience, surgical skills, which will be tested.
requirements: the candidate must have the passion to learn. experience in writing scientific papers, organizing workshops and good managerial skills will be given more priority
contact us at drgvsrao@raosentcare
ph.no. 9989988774: MS/DLO graduates for Dr.Raus ENT superspeciality hospital, Hyderabad ENT research foundation & medwin hospitals Hyderabad under Dr.G.V.S Rau
Wanted: MS/DLO graduates for Dr.Raus ENT superspeciality hospital, Hyderabad ENT research foundation and Medwin hospitals, Hyderabad under Dr.G.V.S. Rau
Salary: Rs 25 thousand to Rs 1 lakh based on experience, surgical skills, which will be tested.
requirements: the candidate must have the passion to learn. experience in writing scientific papers, organizing workshops and good managerial skills will be given more priority
contact us at drgvsrao@raosentcare
ph.no. 9989988774
Friday, 6 May 2011
ENT Quiz Round 15
Winner; Dr Parvat Singh
ENT Quiz Round 14 Answers
Question on Ear-
1]Developmental facial paralysis
A]may be associated with congenital anomalies
B]has a haphazard distribution of facial weakness
C]is always unilateral
D]has a good prognosis
Question on Nose-
2]For the treatment of allergic rhinitis
A]intranasal steroid sprays are the first line if treatment
B]fluticasone and mometasone are water soluble and hence preferred
C]budesonide can cause significant growth suppression in children
D]oral terfenadine is not popular due to its hepatotoxicity
Question on Throat-
3]Botulinum toxin injection may be given for the treatment of
A]adductor spasmodic dysphonia
B]recurrent laryngeal granulomas
C]bilateral abductor paralysis
D]vocal nodules in professional voice users
Thursday, 5 May 2011
14th National FESS Workshop &Symposium on FESS
Venue : Hotel Breeze
Date: August 5-7,Chennai
Live Surgery :" KKR ENT Hospital & Research Institute
International Faculty : Dr Dharambir Sethi ( Singapore)
Email :kkrenthospital@gmail.com
# 274 (OLD # 827, P.H. ROAD,
CHENNAI - 600 010.
PHONE : +91 44 2641 1444 / 2641 1987
FAX : +91 44 2641 2727