Monday, 26 December 2011
Bhartividyapeeth Medical College ( Dept of ENT) is organising a MOCK OSCE & CASE PRESENTATION in 3rd week of feb 2012
This will include OSCE stations and case presentation. Faculty will include DNB examiners, Senior MS examiners, Fresh DNB passouts.
After the OSCE answers and criteria for evaluation will be discussed
Registrations are limited
contact for details
Dr (major) Prasun Mishra
Asst Prof
Dept of ENT
Bharatividyapeeth Medical College, Pune
“ ENDOORL 2012 “
Dear doctor,
We are pleased to invite you to our 5th conference “ ENDO
ORL 2012 ” organized on popular demand
It is a unique workshop where the most advanced as well
as basic techniques in ENT surgeries will be on live display.
By participating in “ ENDO ORL 2012 ” you get to:
Watch a variety of surgeries covering the spectrum of ear, sinuses,
orbit, skull base & larynx cases
Observe around demonstration of 20 surgeries in an ascending manner
over 2 1/2 days by Indian faculty surgeons familiar with Indian
patients, their anatomy & disease pattern
Learn "Tips & Tricks " to gain confidence by the pioneers Dr. Sundhar
Krishnan &
Dr. Muthukumar for those who are new to Endoscope Ear Surgery
techniques. Ear surgeries with nasal endoscope has several advantages
like portability, angled view, better disease clearance, is time
saving & economical
Listen to select enlightening lectures by none other than Dr.
Tulsidas & Dr. Nupur Kapoor
Participate in quiz to pep up, now and then for post graduates,
junior consultants
& senior consultants all through
Get to interact with experts from the fields of radiology, neurosurgery,
orbit / oculoplasty, oncology, infectious disease etc relevant to the cases.
Above all
Value for time & money!!!!!
As an esteemed member of the ENT faculty, we would like YOU to
benefit from ENDO ORL 2012
For details regarding participation, do refer to the attached details.
Thanks & kind regards,
Organizing Committee
“ ENDO ORL 2012 ”
Monday, 19 December 2011
Thieme Publishers Delhi
Greetings from Thieme!
I am Amit Chauhan and I am from the marketing department of Thieme Publishers Delhi. I have been regularly following your blog Otolaryngology Update since a year and I found it is the only and most popular source for information on Otolaryngology news available on the web. I am also a member of the fan page ENT products on the facebook.
Sir, I am writing to you with a request to include our ENT book reviews in the Otolaryngology Update. We have more than 200 active book titles in Otolaryngology written by most respected names in the industry like Dr. Mario Sanna, Dr. Wormald, Dr. Simmen and Dr. Wigand to name a few. Few of our ENT books have been honored with awards at the recent British Medical Association awards.
I hope you would accept our request which will help in providing information on our latest and highly researched books in ENT.
Looking forward to your reply.
Amit Chauhan,
Assistant Manager - Marketing & Promotions
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Limited
N-26,II & III Floor
Sector 18
NOIDA-201 301
Tel: +91 120 4274461 to 64
Mobile: +91 8800533881
Fax: +91 120 4274465
Current concepts in Head & Neck Surgery 2012,February 19, 2012 (Sunday)
A one day seminar on the latest surgical approach to head and neck tumors
In association with AOI (Coimbatore, Nilgiris & Tiruppur chapter)
February 19, 2012 (Sunday)
KMCH Auditorium, Avanashi Road, Coimbatore
The seminar comprising of leading experts in the field of head and neck oncology focuses on the current surgical approach to head and neck tumors. The content is intensive and includes lectures and interactive sessions on key anatomical points, surgical steps, how-to-do-it videos and surgical decision making. A multi-disciplinary panel discussion would attempt to resolve some of the management dilemmas associated with both common and challenging cases. This seminar would be of high value and interest to practicing and trainee physicians in the field of otolaryngology, general surgery, plastic surgery, oral & maxillofacial surgery, radiation oncology, medical oncology and radiology.
E-Brochure at
Contact email:
Organizing secretary:
Advanced 2-yr Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, SIU, USA
Consultant ENT - Head & Neck Surgeon
KMCH & KMCH Comprehensive Cancer Center
Coimbatore, India
Advanced 2-yr Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, SIU, USA
Consultant ENT - Head & Neck Surgeon
KMCH & KMCH Comprehensive Cancer Center
Coimbatore, India
International Course on "Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)" on February 10 -12, 2012 at UCMS-GTB Hospital, New Delhi, India
Check website frequently for availability of vacant seats against cancellation (for audiologists)
Vattikuti Global Robotics 2012,
the first multispecialty robotic surgery conference, brought specially for you to India. This pioneering conference will be held from 13‐15 January 2012 at Taj Palace Hotel,
Who should attend?
Multi Specialty surgeons, Physicians and students across the specialty areas of Urology, Gynecology,
Cardiology, Pediatric Surgery, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery , ENT, Head & Neck, Gastroenterology,
Hepato –bilary and General surgery.
Key International Faculty
Dr. Ronney Abaza, MD., FACS., Dr. Pier Giulianotti, MD., Dr. Mani Menon, MD., Dr. Francesco
Montorsi, MD., Dr. Alex Moitree, MD., Dr. Thomas Payne, MD., Dr. James O Peabody, MD., Dr. Koon
Rha, MD., Dr. Arnold P Advincula, MD., FACOG., FACS., Dr. David Eisentein, MD, FACOG., Dr. Tamer A
Ghanem, MD., PhD., Dr. J Scott Magnuson, MD. FACS., Dr. Eren Berber, MD., Dr. Jack S. Elder, MD.,
Dr. Craig Peters, MD.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Double Grommet Insertion
A 60 year old lady presented with left ear blockage and decreased hearing. She was having OME and was started on management of the same with conservative approach. There were no nasal symptoms. After two weeks, there was no improvement, but infact worsening of retraction so a recommendation for grommet insertion was made. She was lost to follow up.
She presented again three months later with almost atelectatic ear drum with a small air pocket anteriorly and fluid in area of OWN and RWN. An antrioinfrerior quadrant grommet insertion was done. However, the fluid in the posterior mesotympanum did not drain out as there were adhesions between the TM and the promontory that prevented drainage of posterior mesotympanum. I did a double grommet insertion taking care that the incision and the grommet did not disturb the ossicles. The fluid could drain immediately and through the myringotomy the adhesion between the TM and the promontory were broken using a right angle pick. A grommet insertion was done. The TM seemed stable after two months.
Please share how you would manage this. (I am expecting brickbats but please don’t strip me of my degree)
Friday, 9 December 2011
1st CME on "Unified Airway - Problems and Management & Live Surgery Workshop on Snoring" on the 17th of December 2011.
We shall be ever grateful for your kind co-operation.
Venue: Auditorium, Basement -1, Max Super Speciality Hospital, West Block, Saket, New Delhi
Date: 17th December 2011, 09.00 am - 05.00 pm
Thanking you
Dr Keshavanand Konwar
Organising Secretary
+91 9990083979
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Local anesthesia tonsillectomy and general anesthesia tonsillectomy
4 Hands on Temporal Bone Dissection and live surgery Work Shop -2012- 3rd and 4th march,Kurnool
Dr. PraveenKumar Reddy, Dr.Govindaraj
Venue & Workshop Secretariat:
N.R.Peta, KURNOOL. Andra Pradesh
PH: 9440293940; 08518-224910.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
8th Phonocon 2012,17th-19th February 2012,Guwahati
The Gateway to the North-East,Guwahati, one of the fastest growing metros in India is situated on the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra and is surrounded by green hills on the other three sides. The organising committee of 8th Phonocon 2012 takes pride in inviting you to Guwahati for the Annual conference of the Association of Phonosurgeons of India to be held between 17th-19th February 2012. Please block these dates in your calender.Take a break with your family and explore the enchanted northeast India. We promise you a weekend of academic excellence with the luminaries in the emerging subspecialty.
We shall try our utmost to make this Phonocon a memorable one by an academic feast combined with unparallel social evenings and of course the hospitality of the northeasterners.
Conference Secretariat :
Kacharibasti,Ganeshguri, Dispur
Guwahati, Assam, Pin-781005
Ph: +91-9864029797,
Friday, 2 December 2011
“Cancer of the Larynx and Hypopharynx- An Evidence Based Approach” on the 18th of December 2011.
We shall strive to make it a comprehensive CME wherein there will be day long deliberations by the masters in their field.
Your active participation in the CME is important to make this CME worthwhile.
Venue: The Auditorium, Ground Floor, Max Super Speciality West Block, Patparganj, New Delhi.
Date and Timings: 18th Dec’ 2011 (08:45AM TO 05:00PM)
Looking forward to see you in the CME
Please find the attached Invite.
Thanking you
Dr Biswajyoti Hazarika
Senior Consultant
Dept. of Surgical Oncology (Head and Neck Services)
Max Cancer Centre, New Delhi
Contact: + 91 9717776846
+91 9810396336
Sunday, 27 November 2011
The 4th Oman Head & Neck Surgery Course with hands on Cadaver dissections will be held on the 22nd and 23rd February, 2012
The 4th Oman Head & Neck Surgery Course with hands on Cadaver dissections will be held on the 22nd and 23rd February, 2012 at the Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Al Nahdha Hospital Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Please Click here for detals
Dr. Ashok Verma
Senior Consultant, ENT; Head Neck and Sleep surgery
P O Box 937, Postal Code 112, Ruwi
Al Nahdha hospital, Sultanate of Oman
Tele: +96899412641
First International Sialendoscopy Conference | 24-25 March 2012 | Geneva - Switzerland
Dear Colleagues,
Sialendoscopy has been expanding significantly since the first hands-on sialendoscopy training course at the ESTC in Geneva in 2002, with presently more than 300 active centers around the world.
If you are interested to discover this minimal invasive technique of the future or to confront your experiences and to meet the experts, we invite you to attend
the First International Sialendoscopy Conference
Geneva, March 24-25, 2012
It will bring together the pioneers and a prestigious faculty of experts from 54 countries.
Visit and submit quickly your abstract online
Friday, 25 November 2011
LION- Winter Video-Conference Session On December 14, 2011 at 1:00 pmDepartment of ENT University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi
Whilst LION has been well supported by colleagues in India over previous years this will be the first time they have been able to interact live with the surgeons, moderators and presenters. This has been made possible by cooperation with the local Polycom facility, which has a HDX 8000 Full HD videconferencing system.
You are cordially invited for
LION- Winter Video-Conference Session
On December 14, 2011 at 1:00 pmDepartment of ENT
University College of Medical Sciences
& GTB Hospital, Delhi
Venue Details
Polycom Teleconference Facility,
3rd floor, Tower 10 C, DLF Cyber-City, NH 8, Gurgaon
Registration is free, but only limited number of seats are available with prior confirmation.
Please contact coordinator (New Delhi) Dr. Vipin Arora., 9910264379.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
MENTCON, 2011 on 25th, 26th & 27th November 2011 at Amravati. On
behalf of FMSB & Vidarbha Branch of AOI, the Amravati Branch cordially
invites you to the Annual State ENT Conference at Dr. Panjabrao
Deshmukh Memorial Medical College & Sanskrutik Bhavan, Amravati.
The Conference will highlight about the latest technology & skills in
Otorhinolaryngology by way of Otology Workshop, Interactive sessions,
Debates, Panel discussions, Lectures, Seminars, Posters, Quiz, Video
Sessions & Research Papers. Eminent Faculties of International &
National repute will discuss various issues pertaining to
Otorhinolaryngology, Head, Neck & Face.
We propose to offer a feast of intellectually stimulating academic
sessions alongwith highly enjoyable ambience, comfortable & delightful
stay & hospitality. We are sure that our colleagues from all over
Maharashtra will cherish these memories forever. We are committed to
make this Conference a scientifically enlightening & culturally
enthralling event. Your whole-hearted support & participation can make
this conference a memorable one. The Organizing Committee is pleased
to invite & welcome you all for the 43rd MENTCON 2011, a mega event.
Details of the event have been updated on website
Organizing Secretary,
ORGANISING SECY: Dr. Debabrata Panigrahi.
TEL: (0)9937406635
e mail.
The use of ice-lollies for pain relief post paediatric tonsillectomy. A single-blinded, randomised, controlled trial.

Clin Otolaryngol. 2011 Nov 10. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-4486.2011.02410.x. [Epub ahead of print]
The use of ice-lollies for pain relief post paediatric tonsillectomy. A single-blinded, randomised, controlled trial.
Sylvester DC, Rafferty A, Bew S, Knight LC.
Department of Otolaryngology, York District Hospital, Wiggington Road, York, YO31 8HE, UK Department of Otolaryngology, Leeds General Infirmary, Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3EX, UK.
Objectives: To assess whether the use of ice-lollies after tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy in children aged 2-12 reduces pain in the immediate post-operative period. Design: A prospective, randomised, single-blinded study design consisting of two groups with an intention to treat analysis. Setting: Tertiary referral centre. Participants: Children aged 2-12 undergoing tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy. Main outcome Measures: Pain assessment by nursing staff in the form of the validated modified Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale at 15, 30 and 60 minutes and 4 hours. Results: Ninety-two patients were recruited into the study with 46 allocated to receive an ice-lolly and 41 not to receive an ice-lolly after exclusion of those with incomplete data. The 2 groups were comparable for number, age, sex and diagnosis. The pain score at every time interval was lower in the group that had received the ice-lolly compared with the group that had not. This was statistically significant at 30 (p= 0.008) and 60 minutes (p= 0.049) . Conclusion: Our data suggests that ice-lollies are a cheap, effective and safe method of reducing post-operative pain up to one hour following paediatric tonsillectomy.
FESS BASICS WORKSHOP 2012,February 12,2012,Nandyal
MOBILE:+91-9440290460, 9985002900
LAND LINE:+91-8514-243210,hospital 243220 direct
Surgical Workshop on lateral skull base surgery & 32nd Annual Conference of Neuro-otological & Equilibriometric Society of India
Neuro-otological & Equilibriometric Society of India
19th – 21st April, 2012
Venue: JLN Auditorium, AIIMS and India Habitat Centre
Organising Chairman: Dr. Alok Thakar
Organising secretary: Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Organising co-secretaries: Dr. Kapil Sikka, Dr. Chirom Amit Singh
Conference fee (early bird)
Delegates- 2000/-; Resident Doctors- 1000/-
DD in favor of ORL Society, AIIMS payable at New Delhi
Limited Accommodation available
Contact -Dr Kapil Sikka
Co-Organizing Secretary
Room No 4057; ENT Office
4th floor, Teaching Block, AIIMS
Ph: 9810423088
FESSCON 2011, on 25th & 26thNovember2011,Guwahati
Greetings from GNRC
team !
We are pleased to inform you that GNRCHospitals, Guwahati, Assam is organizing the International Congres s onFESS andwe have christened it as FESSCON 2011, on 25th & 26thNovember2011 wherein Internationally renowned Prof. Gerald Wolf from Austria will bethe guest of honor besides Dr. Sham Cheuk Lun, from the Chinese university of Hong Kong will be the chiefguest. The Congress will be attended by around 100 participants from acrossIndia, Bangladesh, Nepal & Bhutan.
An ENT conference andworkshop of this magnitude with the involvement of some of the best surgeons inthe world and participants from neighboring countries is being organized forthe first time in North EastIndia by GNRC Hospitals, one of the leadinghospital groups in the entire region.
We look forward to your participation in makingthis congress successful. The details of the Congress is attached herewith foryour kind perusal.
Thanks and Regards
Arvind Bhatta
GNRC Hospitals
Cont: +91-9859687034
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Dear Doctor,
It is a matter of great pleasure that the 64th Annual Conference of Otolaryngologists of India will be held in Allahabad, UP, India from 4th to 7th January, 2012. More than 2000 delegates and guests from India and abroad are expected to attend this conference. It will be preceded by a pre-conference CME/Workshop on 4th Jan, 2012
We hope that you have already registered for the conference. If not, then we cordially invite you to this saga of ENT in the holy city of Prayag/Allahabad. The details of the conference and the registration forms are available on our website-
Kindly respond to 1.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Dr Mangal Singh Dr L S Ojha
Organizing Chairman Organizing Secretary
64th AOICON, 2012
WORKSHOP on FESS & A to Z on Salivary glands
Date : 10th and 11th December 2011
Anayara, Thiruvananthapuram
Live Surgical Workshop on “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea” – 2011, Chennai,December 3-4,2011
Dear Sir,
Greetings from Organizing Committee, Live Surgical Workshop on “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea” – 2011.
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Chennai to attend Live Surgical Workshop on “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea” – 2011 which is to be held in Chennai on 3rd & 4th December 2011.
Herewith I have attached the Brochure and the Registration form.
with warm regards
Dr. P. Vijaya Krishnan
Organizing Secretary
+91 98846 96362