11:00AM to 5:00PM
Nisha Desa PG Award Papers (8min each) 42 papers1.Dr. Deepti Pundle (Mumbai)Management of superior semicircular canal Dehiscence.
2.Dr. Ankur Mukehrjee (Kolkata)Total laryngectomy-our experience
3.Dr Mainak Dutta (Kolkata)Variable presentations in a case series of sinonasal polyp
4.Dr. Leena K. (Hubli)Role of diethylcarbamazine in allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia
5.Dr. Vidya Janaki R. (Hubli)Image analysis as a tool to correlate tympanic membrane perforation with audiogram
6.Dr. Sonali Jana (Kolkata)Advances in tracheostomy
7.Dr. Debabrata Biswas (Kolkata)Role of Dextran 40 in the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
8.Dr. Arun Prabhu Ganeshan (Mumbai)E.N.T. Manifestations in head injuries
9.Dr. Ram Kumar Soni (Mumbai)Effect of microwaves on hearing
10.Dr. Avinash Uttareshwar Borade (Mumbai)Systemic high Blood pressure and inner ear dysfunction: A preliminary study
11.Dr. Sayyed Matin Chand (Mumbai) Surgical Management of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: A study of 20 cases
12Dr. Tripti Ramchandra Chopade (Mumbai)Efficacy of topical application of mitomycin-C in prevention and treatment of head & neck fibrosis.
13.Dr. Vikram Oberoi (Mumbai)The role of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in patients of asthma with sinonasal disease with and without Jal Neti (Saline irrigation), a comparative study.
14.Dr. Pearl Sala George (Mumbai)A study of bacteriology of otitis media and its effective medical management
15.Dr. Aseem Mishra (Mumbai)Axillary flap technique-A minimally invasive approach for frontal sinus pathology.
16.Dr. Sonali U Londge (Mumbai)Allergen injection immunotherapy for seasonal allergic rhinitis.
17.Dr. Soumya R. Shetty (Bangalore) A case report on midline Nasal Dermoid sinus.
18.Dr. Prashanth R. Reddy (Bangalore) A case series on laryngo tracheoplasty for laryngeal stenosis.
19.Dr. Pankaj Kumar (Bangalore)A case of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
20.Dr. Supriya Mohan Bhat (Bangalore)Superficial conservative parotidectomy under local anesthesia- A case Series
21Dr. Devinder Kumar (Amritsar)Ligation versus bipolar diathermy for hemostasis in tonsillectomy-A comparative study
22Dr. Kirti Sharaff (Delhi)To study effect of prolonged and repeated application of mitomycin-C in reducing the adhesion formation following FESS in pt. of B/L chronic rhinosinustis.
23Dr. Naveen K. (Hubli)Atrophic Rhinitis are we missing something?
24.Dr. Tripti Brar (Delhi)Comparative study of post-stapedotomy hearing results using a nitinol self-crimping Vs Teflon manually crimping prosthesis
25.Dr.Snehal Bhupest Shah (Miraj)Epulis- An overview
26Dr. Ameya Sarkar (Miraj)Tympanosclerosis-A Beginner’s worry
27.Dr. Gaurav Saxena (Mumbai) Management of Labyrinthine fistula with FN Paresis in CSOM Case.
28.Dr. Shree Harsha Thulapula (Hubli)B/L Anticoantral chronic otitis media presenting as B/L cutaneous Mastoid Fistula
29.Dr. Meenakshi (Amritsar)Role of nasal surgery in snoring.
30Dr. Kadambari C (Mumbai)Management of petrous apex cholesterol cyst by infracochlear approach
31Dr. Sri Devi K (Delhi)Impact of FESS on Pulmonary function tests of patients with chronic rhino sinusitis.
32Dr. Pallavi-Bhandarkar (Mysore)Atrophic Rhinitis
33.Dr. Gaurav Wadkar (Mumbai)Laryngotracheal stenosis reconstruction own experience
34.Dr. Sameer M Thakare (Mumbai)Placentral extract in treatment of oral submucous fibrosis.
35.Dr. Gopika Kalsotra (Chandigarh)Codon 72 P53 polymorphism and its over ex-pression in patients with laryngeal carcinoma: prognostic implications
Chairperson1. Dr Sanjay Agrawal(Indore)
2.Dr. Raman Abrol (Chandigarh)
36Dr. Ashwini V (Mysore)Waardenburg’s syndrome-A case report.
37Dr. Kayed Johan (Nagpur)Amelanotic Mucosal melanoma of nasal cavity: A Rare presentation
38.Dr. Aparna Shekhar (Chennai)Management of Pediatric Laryngotracheal stensosis
39.Dr. Ragvendra Singh Gaur (Bhopal)Lower respiratory tract infection in tracheostomized patients in hospitals.
40.Dr. Yashveer B (Bhopal)Correlation between chronic Otitis Media with Radiologically evaluated size & degree of pneumatization of mastoid.
41.Dr. Syed Kamran Asif (Bhopal)Ankyloglossia-Its effect on speech & other modalities-A case series.
42Dr. Saurav Datta (Mumbai)Olfactory rehabilitation in Post Laryngectomy patients