Saturday, 31 October 2009

Voice 2009, R & R Hospital ,Delhi November 7-8

During this conference we intend to bring out a hand Book on Phonosurgery for beginners and one CD containing operative videos of Thyroplasty which will be distributed free of cost to attending delegates.

Click here to view brochure

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Col WVBS Ramalingam
Professor and HOD
Dept of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Army Hospital (Research and Referral)
Delhi Cantt-110010
Mob: 9811910977
Tele: 011- 25681659 (R)

Dr. Sood Nasal Research Foundation Courses,2009,New Delhi

(click to enlarge and view) Dr. V.P. Sood (Course Chairman)
Ear, Nose & Throat Center:212, Aditya Arcade,
30, Community Center,Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg,
Delhi - 110092.Ph. No’s.: 011-22440011, 42420429.
Alternate E-mail:
Web Site:

Friday, 30 October 2009

Abstract: Laryngeal sensory testing in the assessment of patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux

Laryngeal sensory testing in the assessment of patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology Cambridge University Press
Copyright © JLO (1984) Limited 2009

Short Communication

O T Dalea1 c1, O Alhamarneha1, K Younga1 and S Mohana1
a1 Derby Voice Clinic, Department of ENT Surgery, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby, UK


Laryngopharyngeal reflux is commonly encountered in the ENT out-patient setting. It leads to impaired sensory capacity of the laryngeal mucosa. The sensory integrity of the laryngopharynx can be evaluated through endoscopic administration of pulsed air, which stimulates the laryngeal adductor reflex. The pressure of air needed to elicit this reflex indicates the degree of sensory impairment. Such laryngeal sensory testing gives a quantifiable means of assessment in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux, and can be used to measure the response to treatment. Laryngeal sensory testing is safe and well tolerated by patients.

(Accepted June 29 2009)


c1 Address for correspondence: Mr Oliver T Dale, Department of ENT Surgery, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton TA1 5DA, UK. Fax: 01332347141

courtesy : Dr Thomas Anthony,Aden

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Lasers in ENT

Click here to View Presentation

Medilife Technologies
Mr Sanjay Sharma
K-65a, L.g.f, Kalkaji, Kalkaji, New Delhi (110019), Delhi, India

Monday, 26 October 2009

CIGICON 2009 at Hyderabad on 5th to 8th November 2009

Download Registration
Download Full Brochure

7th Annual Conference CIGICON-2009
ENT Department, Apollo Hospitals, Apollo Health City Campus
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033

Ph:+91-40 2360 7777 Ext.3737
Fax: +91-40-2360 8050

Animal model for training in Otolarngology

An animal model has been devised to allow trainees in nasal and sinus endoscopy to develop basic instrument handling and psychomotor skills, without risk to patients.The sheep's head obtained from the abattoir was modified slightly to simulate more closely the human situation. The model permits nasendoscopy, foreign body removal, septoplasty, turbinate reduction, frontal and maxillary sinoscopy, antrostomy and an epistaxis exercise. To date the tissues have been used freshly thawed, and must be used on the day of preparation.
Laryngeal Surgery:
Dissecting bovine larynges offers a valuable aid to training in the field of laryngeal surgery. It is intended to apply these dissections in the form of a departmental surgical workshop.
Based upon similar anatomical relationships in humans and swine between the oropharynx, nasopharynx, and skull base,dissectors used a transoral, transpalatal approach to access the vomer of the swine. Under endoscopic exposure, they resected the vomer, entered the sphenoid sinus, and then resected the sphenoid septum, sella turcica, and adenohypophysis. Clear visualization of the pituitary, hypophyseal stalk, cavernous sinuses, and carotid prominences was achieved and documented with digital photography.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

“Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009”

Click here to view Final Programme

“Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009”
Head & Neck Cancer- Conference & Live workshop
31st October & 1-2nd November 2009
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi

Dear Sir / Madam,

The department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & neck surgery, AIIMS in association with Departments of Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology is pleased to invite you for the “Larynx & Hypopharynx- 2009” on 31st October and 1-2nd of November 2009

International Faculty

Dr Nimesh Patel

Dr Chris Randall

Consultant Otolaryngologists

Southampton General Hospital,UK

This comprehensive and multidisciplinary meeting shall endeavour to define case selection between the various treatment options, and shall include live surgical demonstrations and instructional courses by the national and international faculty in transoral CO2 laser surgery, Conservational Laryngeal surgery /partial laryngectomy, Speech restoration (TEP), Neck dissection and newer modalities of treatment in Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology. We hope to offer you the best of instructional courses, Live surgeries/demonstration with high scientific standards during the meeting.

Kindly visit the following site for further details.

With Regards

Dr C Venkat Karthikeyan

Organizing secretary

Department of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery


New Delhi 110029

Phone 9868397463/9868397461/9868397471

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Indian Head & Neck Congress ,October 23-25,2009 Kochi

Click here to download
Full Brochure
Dr Subramania Iyer MS MCh FRCS
Professor and Head
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Consultant ,Head and Neck Institute
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,
Kochi, Kerala, India 682041
Fax 914842802082
President, Foundation for Head and neck Oncolgy
Secretary, Indian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery

International Course on "Sialendoscopy ,"November 20-21, 2009

University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital
Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 110095.

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce an “International Course on Sialendoscopy" in academic collaboration with “European Sialendoscopy Training Centre” at University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi. Sialendoscopy is a new and cost effective technique to treat salivary gland diseases with minimum morbidity and complications. The course will detail the indications, instrumentation and technique relating to sialendoscopy. More deatails can be viewed at our website.

International Guest Faculty: Dr Francis Marchal
Director, European Sialendoscopy Training Centre
Geneva (Switzerland)

Course Director: Dr P P Singh
Professor & Head, Department of ENT
UCMS & GTB Hospital, DELHI - 110 095

Course Faculty: Dr Arun Goyal
Reader, Department of ENT
UCMS & GTB Hospital, DELHI - 110 095

For details contact: Dr. Arun Goyal
Mobile: 09810812813

Workshop on Laser in ENT,December 6,2009

Contact -Dr. Rahul Agrawal
Agrawal Hospital & Research Institute
H-15, Chetakpuri
Gwalior, MP, 474009
Phone: +91-751-2423700, 2423701
Mob.: +91-9425101601

Dr S R Agrawal
Rtd Dean and HOD
G R medical College
Gwalior, MP, 474009
Ph No. (R): 91-751-2321511
Ph No. (O): 91-751-2423700
Mobile: 91-9425101601, 9425110111

Friday, 16 October 2009

10 good reasons why you should have a Cracker-free Diwali...

10. Crackers are very costly.
9. You are encouraging Child Labour by using crackers.
8. Most of the shops you buy these from, do not adhere to the Excise Dept guidelines.
7. Crackers release a lot of Ultra-violet and Infrared radiation, which are harmful to the eyes and the body parts.
6. Diwali (Deepavali) is a festival of lights, not sound. Crackers can cause deafness.
5. Maximum number of Burn cases are reported in the Diwali season due to the improper use of crackers.
4. Humans might be able to protect themselves, but the crackers have a deep physical and mental impact upon animals.
3. Most crackers do not adhere to the Govt guidelines on Noise pollution and the sound of these crackers is above the permitted levels. In short, many are Illegal.
2. Levels of Air pollution, which are already high in India, reach astronomical levels on Diwali and can be very harmful to the human body.
1. Crackers and Fireworks are the single largest cause of respiratory diseases like Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis and other Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.
So, hopefully, you would have a fun-filled, beautiful and cracker free Diwali.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Guidelines for Issue of Hearing Disability Certificate

Click here to view whole document

Source :Ali Yavar Jung
National Institute For The Hearing Handicapped

Saturday, 10 October 2009

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Measuring competence in endoscopic sinus surgery.

Syme-Grant J, White PS, McAleer JP.

Department of Medical Education, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee.

BACKGROUND: Competence based education is currently being introduced into higher surgical training in the UK. Valid and reliable performance assessment tools are essential to ensure competencies are achieved. No such tools have yet been reported in the UK literature. OBJECTIVE: We sought to develop and pilot test an Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Competence Assessment Tool (ESSCAT). The ESSCAT was designed for in-theatre assessment of higher surgical trainees in the UK. METHODS: The ESSCAT rating matrix was developed through task analysis of ESS procedures. All otolaryngology consultants and specialist registrars in Scotland were given the opportunity to contribute to its refinement. Two cycles of in-theatre testing were used to ensure utility and gather quantitative data on validity and reliability. Videos of trainees performing surgery were used in establishing inter-rater reliability. RESULTS: National consultation, the consensus derived minimum standard of performance, Cronbach's alpha = 0.89 and demonstration of trainee learning (p = 0.027) during the in vivo application of the ESSCAT suggest a high level of validity. Inter-rater reliability was moderate for competence decisions (Cohen's Kappa = 0.5) and good for total scores (Intra-Class Correlation Co-efficient = 0.63). Intra-rater reliability was good for both competence decisions (Kappa = 0.67) and total scores (Kendall's Tau-b = 0.73). CONCLUSION: The ESSCAT generates a valid and reliable assessment of trainees' in-theatre performance of endoscopic sinus surgery. In conjunction with ongoing evaluation of the instrument we recommend the use of the ESSCAT in higher specialist training in otolaryngology in the UK.

PMID: 18318087 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Free Hearing Aid Camp on Elders Day

More than 70 Hearing Aids were fitted to needy at Blog Author Hospital in East Delhi