Dear Friend/colleague
You will be pleased to know that the 21st Annual Conference of All India Rhinology Society will be hosted at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh on 20th and 21st September, 2008
It will be preceded by "Hands on cadaveric dissection/Workshop" on 19th September, 2008. We will have a limited number of stations for Hands on Cadaveric Workshop. The registration for which will be done on first come first basis. The registration charges for attending the Conference are as under:
S.No. Conference CME Both
(Upto 31 July 08) 19 Sep 08
i) ARS Members Rs. 2500/- 5000/- 6500/-
ii) Non Members Rs. 3500/- 5000/- 7500/-
iii) Residents Rs. 1500/- 5000/- 5500/-
We assure you a rich academic exposure and great hospitality in the city Beautiful Chandigarh during your stay.
Please send a demand draft for the required amount in the name of "RHINOLOGY PGI" payable at Chandigarh. It is my appeal to become a life member of this august Society at the same time.
Looking forward to meet you.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
(Prof. Ashok K. Gupta)
All India Rhinology Society
Prof. & Head
Department of Otorhinolaryngology(II)
PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Conference Secretariat:
Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Room No. 31, Faculty Offices 2nd Floor, D-Block, Nehru Hospital,
PGIMER, Chandigarh-160012
Phone: +91-172-2756763,2756766
Fax No. +91-172-2744401
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
21st Annual Conference of All India Rhinology Society
Surgical Manual of Skull Base Surgery-click image to enlarge

From the department of ENT - Head & Neck Surgery, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal is another book after the clinical and operative methods of ENT - head and neck surgery and the Text book of ENT - head & neck surgery ------
Author: P.Hazarika, Co-authors: K.Pujary, R.Singh, S.Ramnani
CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2008.
below is the preface of the book.
enclosed as an attachment is the cover of the book.
with good wishes,
Dr.Kailesh Pujary
KMC, Manipal
AIIMS Head and Neck Cancer CME,March 15-17,2008
AIIMS Head and Neck Cancer CME
Theme: Surgical & Non surgical Approaches to Disability Limitation
Organized by: AIIMS Multidisciplinary H&N Group
15-17 March 2008
Venue: Conference Hall, AIIMS
copy and paste the following Link on your browser for details
Dr Alok Thakar, Assoc Prof, 0tolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery
AIIMS, New Delhi 110029
+91 9868445374
Theme: Surgical & Non surgical Approaches to Disability Limitation
Organized by: AIIMS Multidisciplinary H&N Group
15-17 March 2008
Venue: Conference Hall, AIIMS
copy and paste the following Link on your browser for details
Dr Alok Thakar, Assoc Prof, 0tolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery
AIIMS, New Delhi 110029
+91 9868445374
Annual conference of USAOI-2008
5th(Saturday) & 6th
(Sunday) April-2008
Venue:- International Club BHEL Ranipur, Haridwar
Under the auspices of U.S.A.O.I.( Uttarakhand State Branch of AOI)
Dr.Saurabh Varshney
Professor & Head
Dept. of E.N.T.
Swami Ram Nagar, Doiwala
Dehradun, UttaraKhand-248140
Mobile No. 9412944724
e-mail:- drsaurabh68
Annual conference of USAOI-2008
5th(Saturday) & 6th
(Sunday) April-2008
Venue:- International Club BHEL Ranipur, Haridwar
Under the auspices of U.S.A.O.I.( Uttarakhand State Branch of AOI)
Dr.Saurabh Varshney
Professor & Head
Dept. of E.N.T.
Swami Ram Nagar, Doiwala
Dehradun, UttaraKhand-248140
Mobile No. 9412944724
e-mail:- drsaurabh68
Clinical Query
Very happy to note your efforts have taken off and now our members are looking up this site for upcoming conferences and CMEs. And you have fantastic links too.
I would suggest you add a discussion board too; if there is one, I couldn't locate it.
If you start one, can you pls add my this query:
I would like to have your advice for the following patient.
60 yr old male, has been having dysphagia and chokes on fluids and solids
for about 2 yrs or more. The daughter who happens to be our nurse, says it
is a pain to watch him taking food.
His X-ray neck lateral shows big osteophytes between C2-3, C3-4, C4-5, C5-6,
and C5-7. The ones C4-5-6 looks like a single unit. They are big and roughly
measures the antero-posterior diameter of the corresponding vertebral body.
A CT done 2 yr back revealed nothing more than this. We couldn't do a
Barium swallow for flimsy reasons, but it could be done about a week back,
and since the software to record the same didn't work, we had to be
contented by just seeing what was seen during fluoroscopy. The barium went
down without any hitch, sliding in front and below the "C" projection of the
C4-5-6-7osteophytes at the root of neck.
We sent him to our Orthopaedician, who asked for an MRI; but it couldn't be
done, as he was unable to lie down for the same because of pain (Radiologist
told the nurse-daughter) Hence a repeat CT was done (Is the position for CT
different from MRI?), which showed no change from the previous CT.
What next?
I have posted the Xray Neck Lateral and a section of CT here:
Best rgds,
Dr.Thomas Antony
Aden,Rep of Yemen
Very happy to note your efforts have taken off and now our members are looking up this site for upcoming conferences and CMEs. And you have fantastic links too.
I would suggest you add a discussion board too; if there is one, I couldn't locate it.
If you start one, can you pls add my this query:
I would like to have your advice for the following patient.
60 yr old male, has been having dysphagia and chokes on fluids and solids
for about 2 yrs or more. The daughter who happens to be our nurse, says it
is a pain to watch him taking food.
His X-ray neck lateral shows big osteophytes between C2-3, C3-4, C4-5, C5-6,
and C5-7. The ones C4-5-6 looks like a single unit. They are big and roughly
measures the antero-posterior diameter of the corresponding vertebral body.
A CT done 2 yr back revealed nothing more than this. We couldn't do a
Barium swallow for flimsy reasons, but it could be done about a week back,
and since the software to record the same didn't work, we had to be
contented by just seeing what was seen during fluoroscopy. The barium went
down without any hitch, sliding in front and below the "C" projection of the
C4-5-6-7osteophytes at the root of neck.
We sent him to our Orthopaedician, who asked for an MRI; but it couldn't be
done, as he was unable to lie down for the same because of pain (Radiologist
told the nurse-daughter) Hence a repeat CT was done (Is the position for CT
different from MRI?), which showed no change from the previous CT.
What next?
I have posted the Xray Neck Lateral and a section of CT here:
Best rgds,
Dr.Thomas Antony
Aden,Rep of Yemen
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